The Kiss

First story like this I’ve ever written. Would love to hear what you think. Worth it or not?

The door to the elevator opens and Jackson Adams steps out into the lobby of the local Hyatt. Wandering through the lobby he spots one of the two bars in the place.

“Seems like a quiet place.” he thinks as he enters the room. He stands for a bit and looks around. There are nice leather padded chairs, arraigned into small groups, with a handful of patrons chitchatting. There’s a long bar with a slight curve at the end with a dozen or so stools along its length. A lone woman sits at the far end nurturing a glass of red wine, staring at her cell phone. He approaches her and sits down next to her.

She gives him a glance like, “Really? The whole fucking bar is empty and you’re going to sit there?”

“Hi”, was his reply to the resting bitch face look he got.

“Not interested.”

“Not interested in a little conversation?”

Before she could answer the bartender stepped up, “What can I get you?”