Dinner Prep (Fantasy Erotica, Femdom)

Samantha knocked on Emily’s apartment door, black metal blared at her from somewhere inside. Samantha listened as the music was turned down and feet walked toward the door. In her hands were an assortment of packages that had been delivered for Emily earlier that day. She wondered if Kevin was here, he made her laugh. After a moment, the door unlocked and creaked open a couple inches. Emily peeked one eye and seeing Samantha, closed the door and removed the chain before opening the door all the way. Emily, or Big Sis as some of the students called her, was fully nude except for knee-high leather boots, a strap-on harness (with a huge purple dildo swaying from it) and a black leather choker. Her hair was up in a tall blue and purple mohawk that had sparkles in it. She had a cute hoop piercing in her nose and at least 20 different piercings in her ears. Her curvaceous body was covered with all manner of beautiful, intricate, and colorful tattoos. Samantha thought she was stunning. “Sis!” Emily exclaimed, as if nothing was out of place, “Hey thanks!”, she said, regarding the packages. “Come in, come in, I was just getting dinner ready,” she smiled and stepped aside, letting Samantha enter. Samantha giggled at the joke and shook her head, placing the packages on the entryway table. Emily closed the door and locked it, “Kevin is still here, come say hi,” she said, leading the way.

Troubling Decisions

Having given explicit instructions to her apprentice that should last until closing, Victoria ascended the narrow wooden, stairs to her apartment above the shop and closed the stain glass door behind her. Where the curio shop was a dark jungle of magical items, sounds, and activities, her apartment was tidy and regal (but also magical). Her students, even her apprentice, were never allowed to be here, indeed, even when she brought play partners to 3 Boman St, she would take them to the dungeon to play instead of her apartment. The duties of a Deamoness often required solitude. This was her sanctuary; the physical manifestation of her mind palace and it would be unthinkable to sully it with any type of influence from the outside world.