Good Girl Gamer [MF] [Fem Sub] [Free Use]

Sitting at her computer desk, with her leg crossed under her in the chair and wearing her headset, she listens as the male voice gives out instructions, “Okay guys, let’s try not to pull the mobs on the left this time.”

“Stay close to me so I can keep my heals on you this time hunter,” a female voice spoke out.

The group of friends regularly met in their favorite online video game each weeknight to run dungeons. At the moment, they were getting set up for the next pull of bad guys.

“I’ll freeze trap if I have to,” she said while holding down her push to talk button.

“You’ve got time for this? Your man isn’t home?” The female from earlier, her best friend joked.

“Shut it,” she snapped.

The group laughed at the exchange. This was typical for them. They often teased her for dating a non-pc gamer. As much as he tried to support her hobbies, he often didn’t understand how seriously the group took gaming.

As if his ears were ringing, he entered the house and slammed the door. She heard him stalking through the house.