A Little Story [MF]

“A Little Story”
I was more nervous this time around, if only because I knew how amazing the first had night been between us. I wondered ahead of time if you were nervous too, if you were second-guessing the whole thing. It felt like there was a lot to live up to this time, but luckily the excitement of the whole thing was making me more confident, not less. I knew the memory of that night had been playing in your mind over and over again, like it had been in mine. I was sure it was burning in you as strongly as it was in me. I’d had difficulty concentrating on almost everything ever since then, and I imagined you must have been in a similar state. So when you opened the door and I saw you again, it was hard not to burst right in and take you right there. You smiled. I was already smiling from the ride over.
That was simple enough. You pushed the door open wider to let me inside.
“No,” I said firmly. “We’re going out first.”
You bit your lower lip; I couldn’t tell if you were happy about that or not. But I wasn’t about to debate it. As soon as we saw each other it was obvious that we both wanted to rip the clothes off each other’s bodies on the spot. I could have taken you on the floor right then, without even a word. But that was exactly why I wanted us to go out first; I wanted to make you wait. To bring you so close to it and then pull away, make you think about it a while longer. I think you must have understood that somehow.
“Okay,” you said. “Let me get just get ready upstairs real quick. Do you want to come inside?”
“Not yet.” I turned around and leaned on the railing, looking out across the grass at the trees, momentarily ignoring you. I heard the door shut a second later, so I guess you rushed upstairs to do whatever it was you had to do. I think maybe you just wanted a minute to collect yourself. It was already intense, just seeing each other again. Not being certain what to expect.