[The rest of the parts are here](https://www.reddit.com/r/sister_hannah/comments/4j3laa/i_found_my_sisters_reddit_account_story_index/)
It’s important to note that I’ve never seen Rori’s pussy before. We are not that kind of “don’t bother wearing a towel after a shower, we’re family so it doesn’t matter” kind of family. And Rori, especially. This is a girl I remember always waiting for a toilet stall to open when we went to the pool so she didn’t have to change her swimsuit in front of anyone. I would wonder, as I got changed in the changing room, why the hell my sister thought her cunt was so special that she couldn’t let anyone see it. The dark image of her running down the hall sans towel is about the closest I’ve ever gotten. So suffice it to say that the thought of seeing Rori’s pussy intrigued me. And if I was going to see it, I was going to see it in person. I had thought about trying to coax her into sending me some pictures, but after all the other things that happened, I may as well go for the gold. I was going to see her precious little snatch with no computer screen between me and it, and she was going to be the one to make it happen. In one of her conversations with my online persona, she said she liked me because any other guy would ask for nude pictures. If only she knew that the reason I didn’t ask is because I was getting something better.