The fire drill took a turn no one had expected. When the alarm went off, the sprinkler system did too. Literally everything in the office got soaked – carpet, papers, people. Probably millions of dollars of equipment got ruined. Hopefully, we had a solid insurance policy.
The only good thing to come out of it was that everyone got sent home early, with pay. It was rare for me to get home before 6 or 7, so I was thrilled to get an extra 3 or 4 hours at home. I sat my purse down onto the kitchen counter and walked towards the living room, from where I could hear the TV playing. The living room was separated from the dining room by a door. It was painted white and had two columns of plexiglass windows running down the middle. As I approached the uncharacteristically closed door, through one of the windows, I saw two bare feet, soles up, on the floor. With another step, my eyes traced up the legs of my daughter. I don’t know where she got the running bug, it certainly wasn’t from her dad or I, but it left her with strong, finely toned calves. Another step closer to the door, I saw her bare ass poking out as she leaned forward on her knees.