Fire Drill [Mf] [Voy] [Inc] [Oral]

The fire drill took a turn no one had expected. When the alarm went off, the sprinkler system did too. Literally everything in the office got soaked – carpet, papers, people. Probably millions of dollars of equipment got ruined. Hopefully, we had a solid insurance policy.

The only good thing to come out of it was that everyone got sent home early, with pay. It was rare for me to get home before 6 or 7, so I was thrilled to get an extra 3 or 4 hours at home. I sat my purse down onto the kitchen counter and walked towards the living room, from where I could hear the TV playing. The living room was separated from the dining room by a door. It was painted white and had two columns of plexiglass windows running down the middle. As I approached the uncharacteristically closed door, through one of the windows, I saw two bare feet, soles up, on the floor. With another step, my eyes traced up the legs of my daughter. I don’t know where she got the running bug, it certainly wasn’t from her dad or I, but it left her with strong, finely toned calves. Another step closer to the door, I saw her bare ass poking out as she leaned forward on her knees.

Making Dinner [Mf] [Inc]

“Sorry I’m late, Daddy.” I bent over the arm of his chair and kissed his cheek. “I’ll get right on making dinner.”

He grunted affirmatively.

I left him alone in the living room and walked to the kitchen. Mom was out of town visiting her brother, leaving me in charge of the house. Dad wasn’t exactly a homemaker and was hopelessly lost in the kitchen. I had planned on making pasta sauce from scratch, but it was already almost 8. My volleyball practice ran late, and being the Senior Captain of the team, I couldn’t take off before we finished. I didn’t even have time to change, just threw a tee-shirt on over my sports bra and raced home for dinner.

I stood on my tip-toes reaching onto the top shelf for a bag of spaghetti. Even at 5’9”, I was a few inches shorter than the rest of my family. The shelves were clearly designed for everyone else. When I bent over to get a jar of sauce out from under the counter, I felt a hand run over my ass. It’s fingers traced down between the legs, rubbing over top of the skin tight black shorts that were hugging my pussy.

Surprise Party (Part 2) [Mf, Mf] [Mast] [Inc]

As I watched my brother’s balls tense with an orgasm, the fog of alcohol suddenly cleared in my mind and what just happened came rushing into reality: I just fucked a stranger, without a condom, in the same room as my brother, while he fucked some girl, AND watching them got me off. Hard.

Jesus Christ.

I felt red rush into my face as a heavy wave of embarrassment hit me. I threw, from my chest, the arm of the guy whose cum was dripping out of me. I jumped out of the bed. My eyes darted around the room, looking for my clothes. I didn’t even bother looking for underwear, I needed to get out of there ASAP.

Next to the bed, just under my feet, where my shorts. I picked them up in a hurry and stepped into them. While I fought to pull the wet pants up my legs, I looked around for my shirt. I saw in laying flat on the ground, soaking wet and in front of the couch where my brother was. His eyes were closed and his head turned upward. The girl he was having sex with was just starting to climb off of him. I hurriedly ran over to it, picked it up, and pulled it on over my head just as I started to open the door.

A Future Lawyer (part 2) [MF, FF, MFF, MFFM, MFM] [Inc] [Oral] [Fsub]

Dad pulled the boat along side of the only other boat out tonight.

“You lookin’ to trade?” the man on the other boat yelled over to us.

“Yeah. We’ve got my daughter, here.” he said, bobbing his head in my general direction. “Those two yours?” he added. He pointed to two young women on the other boat. One was pretty tall and thin. She had long blonde hair and was wearing a really cute black bikini with big red flowers on it. She filled out the top great. The other was short with dark brown hair. It looked almost black against her tanned olive skin. Her hair was cut very short, shaved tight on the sides and the back. She was wearing tight white shorts with a brown-gray shirt. The shirt was pulled tight over her breasts. Clearly she was very perky. The shirt didn’t touch the girl’s skin anywhere between the tips of her nipples and where it was tucked into her shorts.

“Yeah. My daughter and my brother’s daughter. Your’s looks pretty old.”

What an asshole. I wasn’t old. Certainly older than those girls, but 26 was hardly old. I wanted to yell out at him, but I knew I shouldn’t.

Morning Hike [MF] [Inc] [Piss] [Oral]

I didn’t remember our text conversation from the night before, so I was freaked out when I heard the knocking at my front door. I peaked out my bedroom window, but didn’t see anything weird. I left my bedroom and went to the front door of my apartment. Through the peephole, I saw my brother.

“What the fuck? It’s so early!” I yelled at him after opening the door.

“We were going for a run, remember?”

“Shit. I forgot.”

“Clearly. Go get dressed.”

I definitely couldn’t go running dressed like I was. A spaghetti strapped babydoll top and panties wasn’t going to cut it. I left my brother in my living room and returned to my bedroom. I opened my dresser and dug around for a minute for something else. I didn’t find anything.

I walked across the room to my closet and got down on my knees. I flipped through the big pile of dirty clothes on the floor for a minute. I found some black leggings and a pink sports bra. I gave them a sniff. Oh Jesus. Oh well, I’m going to get sweaty from the run anyway.