I've perused the internet for a story in particular that I read a few years ago and forgot to bookmark! I've checked tag combination upon combination on literotica, lushstories, asstr, and everything else I can think of, without any luck. So I'm hoping this will work.
My memory isn't the best, but here is what I remember
It's about a young woman who gets hired as a house mom or similar position for a fraternity. She sneaks around with them (I think she was the assistant to the house mom actually and had to sneak behind her back). They have lots of sex, an orgy, and it was a great story if my memory serves correctly.
I am really hoping someone knows this story, I really liked it and look forward to reading it again. I tried the forums on literotica to no avail and I figure if anyone can find it, it's the good people at reddit.
Please help my plight!
I would appreciate any help in finding it, so please help.