While Hiking One Day

It’s one of those moments in life that you can’t plan, they just happen.

After some light hiking we are left standing on a small rise overlooking the sunbathed forest, enjoying the moment. Not touching, but close. We are both flushed and warm, our skin glowing from the combination of the sun and the effort of the climb.
I look around and see a large patch of grass a short way down the slope. I don’t say anything, I just go. I sit, remove my shoes and socks, and lay back, allowing my back and head to rest on the ground. The angle of the rise makes it feel like I’m relaxing in a lounge chair. I plant my feet on the ground so that I can feel the cooling effects of the grass between my toes.

After a few minutes I hear movement, and then a shadow falls across my face. I open my eyes to look up and there he is. With the sun coming from behind him, framing his head and entire body in golden light, he looks like a featureless Greek god. I’ve always found him beautiful, but in this moment he is irresistible. My breath catches unexpectedly and I feel a knowing tingle between my legs.

The hotel room

It’s late at night, or early in the morning depending on how you look at it. I’ve just returned to my hotel room after a busy evening out, still a little tipsy. He’s there, already sound asleep. He has been for hours; he doesn’t have the social stamina I do.
I consider just letting him sleep. That consideration lasts about 30 seconds before a devilish look crosses my face. He’s not going to get much more sleep tonight.

I step into the bathroom and begin to slowly remove and fold my clothes. I am taking my time, thinking about all the things I want to do to him, wondering how far I can get before he wakes up. I take a few minutes to look at myself in the mirror, admiring the natural lift still present in my bosom, the gentle curve of my hips, and the firmness off my ass. All parts of me I know he enjoys.