Paul was a vice president at the Gamers Forge Ltd. It was the largest gaming software company in the southern hemisphere. At the age of 34, he was also the youngest executive the company had. He was young, handsome and had the body of a greek god. Naturally, this bred a lot of resentment in the workplace.
It was one sunny Saturday morning and Paul was out for his daily jog around the park. His luxury apartment was overlooking the large city park, and he took advantage of the fact. As he was running along side Park Drive, a large black van began to ghost him. It was in broad daylight and there were plenty of people around, so Paul had no reason to worry.
He just kept on joggin'.
The van pulled up beside him and two huge men jumped out. Paul was fit and strong, but he was no match for these two collossally oversized brutes. They grabbed him and stuffed him in the back of the van. With a growl at the bystanders, the two men slammed the door shut and the van raced away. The other people in the park pretended that nothing had happened. I mean, honestly, what is the world coming to?