The Hotel Room

The sharp knock at the door was unexpected enough to make her body instinctually jump in reaction to the unfamiliar sound. She had been lazing in a tank top and short drawstring shorts in her icy cold hotel room, having enjoyed a long, luxuriously hot shower after her continuous drive up, giving not a moment’s thought to the energy consumption of such a pleasure when the piercing sound split her serene quiet.

“What the hell…” she trailed off as she approached her door irritated, yet cautiously. A lone woman all alone in a hotel room was a ripe fruit, flesh fresh for teeth, and she grew up in Atlanta, knowing never to trust her environment entirely. She peered out through the peephole in her door and simply gasped in shock and awe as the face staring back at her was a good friend of many years, and one she had not seen in so long.
She hurriedly removed the door chain from its safety track and unlocked the door at the sight of his familiar face.

“What is he doing here…?” her mind raced as her fingers fumbled quickly with the hotel safety latch. She had only told him of her visit in passing conversation, certainly not expecting him to be standing on the other side of her door.

Categorized as Erotica