The Morning After [M/f] and a question for readers.

M was a soft hearted nerd, and a passionate lover. He was kind and sweet and gentle. M was tall, 6ft 5, and kind of shy and awkward at first when we dated. I knew he was the sort of man that I could fall in love with easily. He was different to the dangerous, laddish types who I had wasted so much time with before. He was a breath of fresh air. He was interested and interesting. He liked my confidence and inquisitive nature; it put him at ease. He loved how confident I was sexually, and would often comment on my naughty streak that I would occasionally hint at. I didn’t want to tell him about my dark past with BDSM or swinging. I figure that men love girls with lower mileage and it’s sometimes okay to be economical about the truth.

I didn’t want to ruin things with M. I loved his warmth and lack of ego. He was a total catch, and the nice thing about him was that he didn’t know it. After some time innocently dating and making out, he invited me to stay the night at his place. This was to be the first time we had sex.