floating vaginas NSFW

It all started 2 months ago and I had just turned 40 and I had been married for 20 years now. Now any of you who might be married understand the tolls of a long marriage can do to a person, it is an unfortunate reality that marriage can destroy the soul. My wife had stopped having sex after our second daughter who is 18 now and out eldest daughter is now 20. I came to accept the fact that she didn’t want sex with anyone never mind her own husband; pregnancies can have a bad psychological effect upon the woman.

I remember though sitting on the sofa watching the news and drinking my coffee, the couch next to me had a real vagina on it. I mean it was as if this young fresh vagina which was quite wet was just sitting down on the couch next to me. I was rubbing my eyes to see if what I was seeing was real or if I was imagining all of it. I kept looking at this vagina which just happened to appear out of nowhere and now it’s all I could see.