Looking for a story I read years ago

Plot: a woman visits some type of fantasy house, where she has been many times before. Her kink is a complete ice bath until her body is frozen numb, then a quick transfer to a medical/autopsy type bed. The objective is that the male partner fucks her in such a way that the only warmth she can feel is his cock inside of her. And she has to keep repeating the fantasy due to small things going wrong; the brush of his kiss on the way out, for example.

Other possible helping points:
– short story
– had the print book
– likely published around 2009-2011 period
– was quite likely some kind of female submission oriented book
– was also most likely edited by Rachel Kramer Bussell

I have scoured and scoured trying to track this down as I no longer have any of my erotica books. Looking for author name and title, if possible!