Another Surprise A Week Later

Another Surprise A Week Later

It has been a week since the night I came home to find my mom and sister having a private sex party, with group of unknown male guests. My mother and sister had been hush, hush about the whole event that transpired after the group of men had left.

I was in my room, playing an online shooter game with my computer. I had my wireless gaming headset on talking to my friend Travis who was playing the game with me from his house.

From outside my room, I heard my mom call out to my dad who was upstairs. Honey we’re going to be late, shouted mom. We have plenty of time replied to my dad from their room.

My mom came into my room. Your dad and I are going out and won’t be home till later, maybe around 11. Are you listening to me? She insisted. Yeah, I’m in the middle of a game with Travis. I replied. Tell Travis hello. I love and we’ll see you later. Said, my mom. My dad poked his head in to my room. You’re the man of the house till I get back. I thought to my self I sure am, dad. If you only knew.

A Surprise Camping Trip

A Surprise Camping Trip

It’s a bright summer morning and the family Escalade is packed with all the camping goodies, the best that money could buy.

I’m sitting in the backseat with my headphones on playing Minecraft on my phone.

My sister Megan opens up the other door and climbs in next to me.

I removed my headphones.

“This should be thrilling,” I said.

“I could be going to a party this weekend, rather than this family trip,” said my sister.

I replied, “No dick all weekend.”

“There’s a dick I really want that’s going to be at Candice’s party tonight,” Said Meagan.

I put my headphones back on and went back to playing my game.

My mom opened the passenger door as my dad opened the drivers door.

“Tom, did you double check to make sure everything’s turned off” asked my mom

My dad said “double checked and even triple checked.”

My mom and dad got in the car and closed their doors. My dad started the car and made an announcement.

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A Surprise Awaits Me At Home

I woke up to the sound of my best friend Travis puking. I was crashing at his house for the night cause his parents were out of town. He and I found his parents liquor cabinet and help ourselves. I had just turned 18 so Travis’s and I celebrated by getting drunk and playing video games all night, except I passed out.

I still felt drunk when I got up off of Travis’s couch. I went into his bathroom to check on him.

“Are you alright?” I asked.

Travis looked up at me while hugging the toilet.

“I think I’m going to stay here for a while,” replied Travis.

I walked to the kitchen and filled up a glass of water and brought it to Travis.

“I got you some water. I’m going to walk home are you good?” I asked Travis. Travis nodded his head yes.