Sister In Law: Part Six [MF] [Straight Sex] [Busty] [Huge Fake Boobs] [Interracial]

Gill still looked like a deer in headlights as we joined her and Andy at the pizza place. “A great find,” Andy said as we sat down.

“Thanks,” Wayne replied.

It was extravagant for a pizza place, they served us wine, and we ordered two large pizzas to share for the table.

Andy told Wayne he was into the security business, mainly homes and businesses, but was venturing into other things. As usual, when he was with other men, Wayne just nodded his head and pretended he was interested; unless he saw or heard something that would help his company, he wasn’t interested.

Gill told me she was a stay at home mom with three kids. The eldest was just about to leave for college. They asked if we had children of our own, and that’s when I told them that I had the baby maker permanently turned off a long time ago. Gill was surprised and caught off guard. Which only instilled the thought that they came from a small town.

Sister In Law: Part 5 [MF] [Busty] [Interracial] [Huge Fake Boobs] [Straight Sex]

“I know what to do,” my assistant said as she tried to shoo me out of the office. “Go enjoy your honeymoon!”

There it was again, the word that filled my stomach with butterflies. “Hope! Go!” she finally yelled.

“Okay, but you can call…” I started to say as I picked up my things.

“I won’t be calling you,” she said as she sat back down in her chair.

There it was the final words. I nodded as I walked out of my office and into the brilliant sunlight of a great day. Today was the second-best day of my life so far. Yesterday had gone off without a hitch. I was married to the man I truly loved, I had thought that Gary or Desiree would have turned up and ruined it, but they were too busy with their own happiness.

It was short-lived, of course, as I had other parts of my plan to put in order. Starting with a phone call, I got in my car, started it up and headed for the airport.

Sister In Law: Part Four [Interracial] [Busty] [Huge Fake Boobs] [MF] [Straight Sex]

I slowly awoke, turning over I saw Hope getting ready for work.

“Morning,” she smiled as I looked over at her.

“Leaving already?” I asked.

“Already?” Hope said as she turned to look at me. “I am already over an hour late.”

Hope was wearing one of her typical outfits, A tight skirt that barely covered her ass, with a white button shirt she was putting her matching top on. Today’s colour was bright canary yellow.

“You should get going too,” Hope said as she smiled at me. “You have a house to finish.”

“Oh yeah,” I said as I slowly got out of bed.

“See you downstairs,” Hope said as I got into the bathroom.

I ran down the stairs after I had cleaned up and got changed. Hope was bent over the kitchen island, speaking to someone on her phone. “I know,” she said. “I will make up for the lost time.”

I made myself a light breakfast as she finished her conversation. “So,” Hope said, turning to look at me.

“I know,” I nodded. “Last night was just for the night. We shouldn’t make a big deal out of it.”

Sister In Law: Part Three [MF] [Interracial] [Huge Fake Boobs] [Busty]

Well, that happened. Desiree and I were finally over, not on paper, but mentally I was already on the way out the door. Hope had tried to set things right but failed, while Gary loved every minute of it. The day before they left, he told me that I could take the pickup, he had already signed it over to me. Passing the papers across the table like it was the best gift he had ever given someone.

I had already started looking at apartments around the area. I had no plans to move back home. There was nothing there for me now. I had a good job that paid me very well. With a new start, maybe I would be back on my feet in no time.

“You leaving?” Hope said as I tried to sneak out of the house.

“Yeah,” I said as I turned around. ‘Why did she have to look so good?’ I thought to myself.

“Where are you heading to?” Hope asked, standing in front of me in an olive green crop top that barely covered her enormous tits, leaving her stomach exposed. A pair of skin-tight jeans and white sneakers.

Sister In Law: Part Two [M] [Straight Sex] [Masturbation] [Huge Fake Boobs]

Two weeks had passed since my wife, and I had moved into her sister’s house. The move from Florida to Texas was a big one, but so far it had paid off. Hope had got me a job with one of the contractors that fixed up the houses for her properties. The pay was good, and it felt good to be using my hands to work again.

Desiree was doing great at Gary’s firm, she was already on the list to get promoted. Things were looking like they were falling into place, except for one thing. The relationship between Gary and I had hit a brick wall. I had caught him on the phone with one of his friends, he didn’t know I was behind him, and he called me the N-word, stating that he couldn’t believe his sister in law was dating one of us, and how lazy I was around the house.

Sister In Law: Part One [M] [Masturbation] [Huge Fake Boobs]

“I can’t believe we are doing this,” I said shaking my head as we landed.

“You have said that fourteen times,” Desiree said.

I could tell she was getting annoyed with me. At this point my argument was a non-factor, our house was sold, most of our belongings had either gone to Goodwill or sold with the house. All we had left of our life before this move was in our suitcases.

“It will be for a few months, six at the most,” Desiree said as we waited at the luggage carousel. I nodded.

“I am sorry, I shouldn’t…” I began to say before she wrapped her arms around me and smiled. Desiree was five foot six inches tall, but her personality was giant sized. Her heart was in the right place as well.

“It was our only choice,” Desiree said as she broke contact as soon as people got near.

That was one of the many things that had recently started to bug me. Desiree hated public displays of affection. I don’t know when it happened because before we got married, she would do anything from my hold my hand to full out kiss no matter who was watching.

Actions and Consequences: Part Four [MF] [Busty] [BBW] [Interracial] [Straight Sex]

Things had gone from bad to worse. To say I had dug myself into a deep hole would be an understatement. Marge had turned my day to day life to a hell on earth. If I was not doing her work for her, I was doing her chores, anything from picking up her lunch to walking her dogs. She wasn’t the only one that was hard to deal with, Kendall had kept accurate to her words, there wasn’t a minute of the day where she wasn’t looking over my shoulder. Everything I did, every motion I made she was there.

On the home front, things had gotten better. Timothy wasn’t allowed to take the kids out of the state permanently without my permission. I still had visitation rights, but not at my home and always with a chaperone.

“Cow-tits!” Marge said as she came around the corner to look at me.

“What,” I said as she stared at me.

Marge threw a piece of paper onto the table. “My dry cleaning needs to be picked up at eight.”

Actions and Consequences: Chapter Three (Part two of two) [MF] [Oral Sex] [Busty] [BBW] [Interracial]

Kendall was a bitch as usual. I looked at the schedule that was pinned up on the employee message board. I had hoped that I was going to have Saturday off so that I could see my son. I had already put in too many requests to get things settled with Timothy. I looked at my phone as it chirped it was Jacob he had sent me a picture of him skateboarding with friends. I smiled as I remembered the first time I bought him a skateboard he fell and scraped his knee’s. Since that time he had become much better.

‘See you Saturday?’ the text under the picture read. ‘I have new moves I want to show you.’

I sighed as I looked at the schedule. ‘I will try my hardest. I will let you know as soon as I can.’

I put the phone back in my pocket and walked towards Kendall’s office. I gently knocked on the door even though it was open. “It’s open,” Kendall said in her usual aggravated voice.

“Hello,” I said as I walked inside.

Actions and Consequences: Part Three (Part one of two) [MF] [Oral Sex] [Busty] [BBW] [Interracial]

I looked in the mirror again to make sure I looked good enough for the interview. Lexi had come over and done my hair. She had done a great job. I decided to wear one of my black dresses. The plunging neckline was just enough to show a fair amount of cleavage without being too over the top. It stopped just above my thighs, with a simple cross of my legs it revealed just enough of my thighs. I was planning to use all that I could to make sure I got the job. I was tired of driving around town, and a stable job and a new apartment would give me a foothold when I wanted to talk to Timothy.

As I looked at myself in the full-length mirror, admiring how my boots looked, there was a knock on the door. I grabbed my coat and pulled it around me. I didn’t want everyone to see me like this, especially after what happened with Leon.

“Ready?” Chris said as I opened the door.

“Yes,” I replied, turning and locking the door. I couldn’t wait to leave this place. There had been two robberies in the area since I moved in. Timothy would never allow the kids to visit me here.

Actions and Consequences: Part Two [MF] [Interracial] [BBW] [Straight Sex] [Busty]

It had been six months since I cheated on my husband. During that time, I had tried to tell him. How do I tell my husband that I had slept with another man, not only another man but a black man. A black man while we were on vacation with our kids, while my husband was in the next room tending to our children.

Every time I got the nerve to tell him, I backed down. I knew it would mean the end of our marriage. Timothy was raised in the deep south, while I was what some people called “city south.” I still had my country ways but living in Atlanta was much different from being raised out in the “sticks” as Timothy proudly called his low population hometown.

Now we were living in the outskirts of Atlanta in a lovely suburban house, and we were content on the way things had turned out. Timothy worked for a prominent construction contractor, while I worked in a hair salon.

Our three children went to a lovely school, and things were perfect. That was until we went on vacation. I cheated. I was that woman that slept with another man, let that man fill her inside with his… I couldn’t even bring myself to think of it. I literally begged him to cum inside me.