[F/F] Husband’s Christmas Gift (Part 3)

When I got home, I walked straight upstairs, started a bath, and laid in the tub for over an hour recapping what I had just been through.

Mark was downstairs cooking and came to check on me a couple times and I was lucky to get out the couple words I said to him. I had so many thoughts and feeling rushing through my brain, my heart, and my body. My legs were still weak from everything Mary had done for me. My mind couldn’t stop thinking about how crazy this was and what Mark would think of me or if I should even tell him. My heart knew that waiting the 22 hours for my next massage was too long.

I finally came downstairs and had dinner with Mark. We talked about our day, and he asked me how the massage was. I told him that it was different than what I expected but nice and that I would be back tomorrow to try and get in the right headspace for our upcoming vacation. After dinner we watched a little tv and went upstairs to bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, everything I had gone through in the past few hours flew out of my mind and my body finally had a moment to catch up with everything and I was asleep within 30 seconds.

[F/F] Husbands Christmas Gift (part 2)

I was completely flustered. What had I just said? My mind was going 1000mph but Mary seemed to be completely calm. Like she had expected me to say this and the fact that I had basically asked her to have her way with me didn’t phase her the slightest.

She began to walk toward the table with massage oils on it. I was so embarrassed. What did I say? Why would I ask her that? Should I just leave? I began to sit up and by the time I had grabbed the towel to cover up and I sat up, Mary was already back next to me. I started rambling about how embarrassed I was and how I would never actually do anything like this. She put her left index finger on my lips, and her right hand with the oil on my thigh. She slowly and gently pushed me back down with her finger on my lips. Her right hand moved up and down my thigh making it warm and oily.

Categorized as Erotica

[FF] Husbands Christmas Gift (part 1)

About 2 years ago I got a big promotion at my job. It meant a lot more work and long nights and weekend but the pay was definitely worth it. My husband (Mark) and I had been wanting to explore the world since we got married years ago and this new job would finally let us do just that. The problem is by the time I actually take time off, I’m usually such a stress case that I spend the first half of the vacation decompressing, then the second half anticipating the work I will have when I get back to the office. My husband clearly noticed. Even outside of our vacations, I haven’t had time to spend with him like we used to. We used to go for walks in the evenings, cook dinner together, and enjoy our hot tub in the evenings. Now I usually come home to cold dinners and need a couple glasses of wine to take the stress off for the evening and have been falling asleep earlier and earlier giving me less and less time with Mark. Little did I know my husband had a plan to help this.