One of many ways I masturbated..

13 year old girl laying in bed one evening.. hormones as high as ever and access to the whole world on her phone. I was into tumblr and if you ever had tumblr you know they have all different kinds of porn but I was too afraid to watch that thinking i’d get caught. Next best thing was reading. I would search up in the google bar “how to masturbate” or “ways to masturbate” because somehow learning about it got me wet.. reading about ways you can enjoy yourself. I searched up “sex stories” which one would interest me it was always the one where the sister is alone with the brother and his friend.. so I thought Id give it a try and write my own story the ones that make me wet and make me just want to touch myself to put this satisfaction at ease so here I go..
brother falls asleep and it’s only you two sitting alone on a couch. Movie is about to end.
“Are you tired” I ask Nathan.
Nathan slightly shrugs “I can watch another movie honestly, you up for it.”
I can see there’s more motive in the back of his eyes, Something in me tells me we’re not going to watch the next movie. I have been locked up in this house for a month now.. I got grounded for sneaking out with a couple of friends. So my brother inviting his friend over was in a way a treat for me. I just didn’t know if he’d see me in that way. But hell when has that stopped anyone??
“sure!” I replied nonchalant.

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