College Hookups #3 (M22/F20/F19)

The next day Carter told me that he had gotten Kelsie assigned to my dorm room. She didn’t arrive until the next week but we hit it off like we had never been apart. We reminisced about old times and caught each other up on our lives so far. I was really enjoying seeing her again until I saw Carter a few days later.
“So how’s things going with Kelsie?” he asked. “Is she interested in me?”
“Oh I don’t know, she seems pretty busy right now.”
He didn’t look happy at that. “Look here you little bitch. I really laid out to get you two in a dorm room together. If I don’t get some action from it, you are not going to enjoy your year here.”
He had a point. He had certainly laid his dick inside that chick in admin to get her to put us in a room together. As my TA he could also give me hell for the whole year. I didn’t have much of a choice but to play along. At this point I wasn’t sure that I could even get him for myself. I was just hoping to get through the year safely. Plus, I couldn’t get that image of Kelsie eating my pussy out of my head. I had to admit that I was curious to see if I liked it.
“Ok, I’ll work on her. She’s had her mind on school stuff but that’s lessening now. We are getting along pretty well and I think I can get her interested.” I didn’t say who exactly I would get her interested in.
“Good, make it happen,” he grumbled. “I can’t wait all year.”

College Hookups #1 (M22/F20/F19)

I hadn’t seen Kelsie since we were kids. We had lots of fun and shared all our little girl secrets but her family had moved away and we had not kept in touch. I was just starting my second year of college and was eager to start back into my favorite subject. Boys.

As I flipped through the pictures of the incoming crop of new students looking for new partners, her name jumped out. She had of course changed a bit but it was definitely her. I was curious to find out more so I asked Carter, my new TA if he could find out what classes she was taking. I had my eye on him as a potential ride so I was happy for a chance to ask him for a favor.

The next time I saw him in the halls, he waved. “Hey Grace, you remember that chick you wanted me to look up? Turns out that she is only going to one of your classes. What’s the deal there anyway? I mean, she’s pretty hot but I didn’t think that you rolled that way.”

Categorized as Erotica