I’ll write a story for you (F4A)

Hi there,

So I’m looking for some inspiration and I figured I could post here. Basically, send me a prompt and I’ll write a story for you. Only limits are no underage and no violence. Anything else is fair game. So, that wild fantasy you want to explore? Hit me up and I’ll develop it for you! That embarrassing story you wish someone put into words? Let me know!

I can respond via dm or just publish it here (happy to give you credit but also happy to respect your desire for anonimity!). All I ask is that it’s a good prompt.


[FF] Julie’s Night Out – Jade’s Birthday

[Julie](https://i.redd.it/55c8juejhhj61.jpg) arrived at the bar right on time. It was a nice place, big tables with benches on either side; not too crowded but also not empty. She scanned the room, eventually finding Jade and her friends, and made her way to the group. She only recognized Jade, although a few people seemed vaguely familiar. Perhaps she’d seen them on Jade’s social media? Regardless, they seemed like a fun group: besides Jade, there was one [brunette](https://preview.redd.it/3eivm0eaad881.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=6c61a239e6a9f41739ce0155f28e3b1d1276be5e) who seemed to be in her mid-20s and a [redhead](https://imgur.com/0SjdwEN) that looked like she was a bit older, maybe even in her early 30s. There were also three guys who seemed fit and fun. Julie noticed her own dress was sluttier than anything they wore, which was alright by her. She was used to looking like (and, honestly, being) the sluttiest woman in the room, and today was no exception.

Julie wondered briefly if she should have worn a bra, if nothing else just to maybe not embarrass Jade, but quickly discarded the thought. Her nipples felt amazing against the dress, and hey it was better to have her tits easily accessible, just in case.

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