Spectacular views from the hotel. [fM]

My company sent me to Dubai to scout out a place for our new offices. It was a financial startup focussed on the European stock market. It was the middle of summer when I landed. I’ve lived in some warm countries but this was something different. Initially I thought I was sweating but my skin felt dry. When I got to the hotel I could see white lines across my face from the salt that was left after the water evaporated.

At night, the view from my window on the 22nd floor was as if I was looking over a Sci-Fi cityscape. It was breath-taking and surreal at the same time. The people at the front desk told me it’s much more bearable in the evenings to go outside. I packed some things and decided to find a restaurant to get something to eat. Fortunately, the Marina has a very long walkway along the waterfront and there were plenty of restaurants. There were also lots more people.

Changing lanes at the pool [FF] Part Two

We made our way to the lockers to get our stuff then quickly get changed and get out of here. “You’re a lucky man. Two girls coming home with you,” Nicole said smiling. Samantha turned to look at us. “I’m only here for you Nicole. I have no interest in Red. I am not into men.” She closed her locker and stepped into a cubicle to get dressed. Nicole blushed with a slight panic in her eyes. “I’ve never been with another girl before. I have masturbated to girl-on-girl porn before, but that’s about all the experience I have.” “Come join me in my locker I think we need to talk,” Samantha said.

Nicole took her things and made her way to Samantha’s cubicle. I went into the smaller one and started to get changed. They’re stall was next mine so I could overhear the conversation. “Every time you were talking to me about Red, I secretly was fantasizing what it would be like if you were talking about me like that. I’ve had a little crush on you for a while now. I’m not expecting you to have one on me too. But hearing you just now getting eaten out by Red turned me on and I want to hear you moan for me.” There was a silence. Not an awkward one but more one of deliberation.

The Admin’s new Contract [Mf]

You would think that a tech-startup would have fancy offices in the big city. We decided to stay close to home. It all started in one of our bedrooms during a TeamSpeak call playing Counter Strike. That chat turned into a lucrative business. In fact so lucrative we had to move it out of our bedrooms and into offices.

We had been looking at the city initially. Our business advisor really pushed for it as well. Something about it was just not sitting right with us. Most of our friends from school moved to the city and the town was getting quieter. Our business was conducted completely over the internet. We technically didn’t need offices and could hire remote workers. But we thought offices was the answer at the time. We learned from the pandemic.

This is still before the pandemic though. We had found some local offices. It was a converted storefront. We had put up these semi translucent stickers over the windows to make it look blurry, so people can’t look in. The first month was great, we got into a rhythm and started to establish task and jobs. In the second month it felt like we lived in that place. We were there 24/7.

Changing lanes at the pool [MF]

At six in the morning it’s a special kind of people you encounter at the leisure center. The pool can be quite busy. A mixture of office workers, elderly and people training for the local swim club. We all know each other by name and there is the unwritten rule of who is in what lane.

The lifeguard is a beautiful woman in her early thirties. She is a runner and trains for marathons. There isn’t a man in that pool who hasn’t attempted to flirt with Samantha. She always remains professional and very friendly. Besides the pool she also watches the gym. She’s a certified personal trainer as well. The leisure centre has a good one in her.

After doing some lanes I usually make my way up to the gym for some circuit training. One of the younger girls of the swim team has a similar routine. Nicole is around eighteen or nineteen. She’s just under 5ft and has more the body of someone who squats a lot than a swimmer. No doubt she thinks I am some grumpy old man. She gets engrossed in her Instagram feed on some of the machines and I always have to ask her if she’s still using it.

Sign here please [MF]

> *Red: Babe*
> *Ann: Not now. I am busy.*
> *Red: Babe!*
> *Ann: What?*
> *Red: There’s going to be a delivery today.*
> *Ann: What time? I am a little busy today I have a couple of meetings.*
> *Red: Says between 1 and 2. Driver’s name is Cameron.*
> *Ann: I’ll be here.*
> *Red: Ta. :heart:*
> *Ann: :kiss::kiss::kiss:*

Not sure what I was thinking or where I got the idea for this. My wife works from home and can get a little bored by herself sometimes. We occasionally sext and use remote toys through the day. Sometimes I know she needs a good fucking and I feel bad I can’t give it to her. At times I take an extended break. Drive home. Fuck my wife. Drive back to the office. Go back home again.

It’s important to me in business that when people have been doing a certain job for a while they move up. Only so we can give those jobs to the younger folks. Older people shouldn’t boast about being employed doing a certain thing for decades, they’re holding on to jobs that need to go to the next generation. They’ve got the stamina, they’ve got the innovative ideas, they’ll bring us to the future.

Everybody needs good neighbours [FF(M)]

We picked an apartment in the high street when we just moved in together because we were young and unstoppable. We were sandwiched between a derelict apartment downstairs from us, with owners overseas that didn’t care about the place, and a single mum upstairs from us.

There were a couple of bars in the street and in the weekends, it was always crowded. We tried to have a weekend in every now and then, but drunk people always found a way into our building and piss and shout through the halls and stairways. We couldn’t care less, we just made sure not to be home and party instead.

We’ve only heard our upstairs neighbour walk about her apartment and going up and down the stairs. After a month or so we finally met in the corner shop. She wore glasses, was heavily tattooed, wore gauges, tight black jeans, black doc martens, leather jacket, her hair tied back with her right side shaved.

Sticking to the rules of the bar owner [MF]

The owner of our bar had one rule that he was very strict about. Don’t fuck the customers. Some of my colleagues seemed to find it hard to comply, and they weren’t colleagues for long. The boss always found out. It wasn’t enough warning it seems so I had quite a busy schedule of always training new staff.

The upside was that those that had been here a while became quite close. Our bar was more like a mini club. We had two actual bars, lots of space between and a couple of platforms with dancers. There were some standing tables, and we had some booths at the back.

Melissa and I started on the same day. Our shifts were arranged so we’re always working the same hours. Our work outfits consisted of dark clothing with a white apron. The girls were free to wear trousers or skirts. Most opted for a skirt and a button up blouse, or button down. Pay was okay, but the tips was where the job made up for it.

Not so missed connection [MF]

The train is an odd place to meet people. I don’t know about you, but I have never really had a ‘normal’ interaction with someone I met on the train.

This one morning I was skiving from school and decided to travel to one of my favourite cities to have a coffee and do some revision. The train was a bit crowded, so I sat at one of those 4-seaters with a table. I got a window seat opposite this cute short haired blonde.

As the ride progressed, she looked increasingly uncomfortable. I just made some remark about it being so crowded. She looked at me and we started to talk a little. She then opened up about her home situation and told me she was in the process of running away.

When the train conductor made their way into our carriage, she got tense. I asked if she had a ticket. She shook her head. I had just gotten my student travel card renewed and my old one was still in my wallet. I gave her my new one and as they came to check our tickets, I quickly flashed my old one. It worked and she sighed with relief.

Getting caught was maybe not such a bad idea [MFFF]

You know how you sometime try to fix a piece of code for something you’ve been working on for a while and you spend hours only to find out you mispelled a variable somewhere? Or how you were playing around with that Raspberry Pi and trying to debug the input for a sensor only to discover one of the wires is loose? If only we all kept that razor in our pocket.

I was trying to decrypt the session, fiddle with it and reassemble it. I tried to alter the contents of the cookie once I was registered. I was trying to bust the directories and manipulate the url parameters. I uploaded some scripts disguised as images. No matter what I tried I couldn’t get a hold of anything long enough to escalate my privileges.

I know, you’re sitting there right now asking if I tried to manipulate the POST data in the forms. You’re right. I didn’t. I didn’t even try a simple SQL injection. By the time I figured that out my second cup of coffee was already cold. Time to refill. I pushed my chair back to go and put the kettle on when I heard a faint tapping my door.

She [F27] asked to buy my [M19] cigarette

Every Friday after college we went to the pub with a group of friends because for some reason bar owners thought it was a good idea to have a happy hour when the local schools finish early. I was best friends with a girl who was in a long term relationship (they ended up married with kids) and had a crush on her for ages. She was very flirty and clearly liked the attention.

It was my turn to buy a round of drinks so went to the toilet first before I went to the bar. On exiting the bathroom heading to the bar I lit up a cigarette as we were still allowed to smoke in the pub. I ordered the drinks for my friends and one of the older ladies at the bar tapped me on the shoulder. She was in business attire but I could clearly see her figure. She had short dark hair, green eyes and a very nice smile.