**Between the Slats**
One of the coat hangers fell off the rod as I maneuvered my way around the closet. I was in the process of adjusting my camera so it could record what I would be seeing between the slats on the closet door. “The tripod fits perfectly,” I said aloud, realizing I had plenty of room on the inside of the closet to watch the action. The bed would be in full view along with the large hotel room window on the side of it. I couldn’t wait for the show.
My wife exited the bathroom with her dark wet hair flowing over her shoulders. “Which one do you want me to wear?” she asked.
I stared at the two dresses that were hanging on the bathroom door and thought for a minute about my decision. I always love to see her in a sexy black dress but that night I felt like the red one was winning me over. I looked over at her naked body and thought about how the dress might look on her. “What about red tonight?” I asked.
“Are you sure?” she asked. “Not black tonight? You usually go with black for this.”