The Captain Dares [mf] [nerdlove]

The Captain Dares

"That should do it!" I snug the cans of Mountain Dew into the fridge for next week and stuff my character sheet and dice into my backpack. I look up when there is no answer. "Mac?" I call, puzzled. Still no answer. I sigh. He usually stalls taking me home, but that's what you have to deal with when someone else is giving you a ride.

"Mac, I've got work in the morning," I walk through the living room, the TV dark and the only light coming from the router in the corner.

I continue on to check the only bathroom, which is reached through Mac's batchelor lair. I let out a stifled scream and drop my bag as a figure comes out of the darkness and pins me against the wall, strong hands at my wrists, holding them high over my head against the paneling.

"Mac, what the hell?" I demand, hot anger rising up…only barely covering the fear.

His hot breath tickles my ear, stirring my hair. "I have you now, Princess Estry," he growls, sending goosebumps down my arms. My breath catches and I shiver.