So, I was tubing today… [mf](oc)

I’m tubing with the fam here in the national forest. It’s not quite like any tubing Ive done before. The water is cold and the creek bed is narrow. Most of the time the water moves on at a good pace, but there are a few places to get caught up on the rocks. My youngest got stuck in one such place.

As it turns out, he isn’t quite big enough to get himself out of the shallows if he gets stuck. So, I paddled myself up onto a rock down stream and pulled the tube up. It was stuck, I told myself. I crept back up the creek being careful to avoid wedging my ankle between two rocks until I could reach the entrapped tube. I pulled him off the rocks and sent him down the creek. I could see the smile come back to his face as he floated on down in the current. I watched him float away… right up to the point when another tube caught my attention. It was headed right for mine. I thought the occupant would surely attempt to avoid my tube… NO! Direct hit. My tube was off, floating rapidly away from me. I couldn’t even give chase without braking an ankle. My shoulders slumped.

After the after-practice shower… [MF](oc)

So about a week later (link to original post in comments), I had all but forgotten about the encounter (yeah right ?) and was casually sweeping the gym before the night’s basketball games. We always booted everyone from the building for about an hour and a half to get things ready for the game. So, generally, I was alone for 80 to 90 minutes. Usually the girl’s coach, let’s call her Lexi, was there too, but she was also the volleyball coach. So, to cut her a little break, we had a bit of an unspoken arrangement that I’d clean the floor and get the gym ready. She always stayed to help clean up after. It wasn’t “fair”, but also not a big deal.

On this particular night (Thursday, I think), she strolled through the double doors at the end of the gym early. This wasn’t totally abnormal. She arrived early for various reasons from time to time. In fact, if it wasn’t for the rest of that 80 minutes, I’d probably have never thought about it at all.

After practice… (OC)[MF]

About 7 years ago, I was coaching basketball at a small school. Now, I’ve been in schools of all sizes in my career, and to be completely honest, there have been very few coworkers that ever caught my eye. When I accepted the job at this school of less than 300 students, it never even crossed my mind that there might be an attractive teacher there. Even less likely, that she would be the coach of the girl’s BASKETBALL team. Anyway, there was a bit of sexual tension between us from day one, but we were both married and genuinely liked our spouses. I always just chalked my thoughts of her up to fantasy. I assumed she would be opposed to rocking the boat too. So we just went on about our business for the first 2 years. In the third year, I was having a rough season. We were winning some games, but these guys should have been so much better than they were performing. So, I was routinely staying after practice on the days we had the early time slot to watch tape, look over some new offenses, etc.