Work & Reward [Mf, huml, race]

This is a x-post of my own story from /r/BDSMerotica

She'd never fit in. She'd struggled, growing up as the child of immigrants in a small town where everyone else had pale skin and enjoyed the benefits of family roots that stretched back for generations. Instead, she found herself an outsider, required to rush home from school each day to help her parents in their little store. She sold junk food and sodas to her classmates and cringed whenever her father tried to make small talk with them in his embarrassing accent.

When she looked in the mirror she saw different eyes, different hair, different skin. In her small town, different was bad. When they found her alone her classmates had teased her. She heard them imitating her parents' accent behind her back, and she heard the slurs, tentative at first then louder as she grew older.

She seethed with silent anger when she heard slurs, most of all when they used words that didn't even apply to her ethnic background. Didn't they even know anything about the people they were mocking! What a silly thing to worry about, she told herself, and she kept her head down and did as she was told.