Ashley’s Casting, Chapter 3 [dream] [no sex]

Wiping the cum out of my eyes, I started trying to stand up. Brian had his back turned towards me, and was speaking quietly enough on his phone that I couldn't hear what he was saying. The camera was still rolling, and I was so close to it that I knew I'd be able to smash it, to get rid of that footage.

Drenched in semen, I started tiptoeing towards the camera, grabbing my clothes as I went. The camera was within reach, and I took it silently. Brian still hadn't turned around – I couldn't believe it! I snuck out of the door, peeked to make sure no one was about to walk in on my naked body, and – heart pounding – ran towards a stairwell, slipped my clothes on, and disappeared down the street, still wiping cum from my hair. I had escaped! And I had taken that awful footage with me! What I didn't know is that Brian had let it happen…

"Yeah," Brian said into the phone, wiping cum off of his dick. "I let her go. No, of course I let her take the camera. She thinks she's free. Well, don't worry. We'll get her, and we'll capture the really good stuff. Yeah, I talk to you later."

Ashley’s Casting, Chapter 2 [f/M] [Casting] [cum] [blowjob] [dubcon]

Staring at the huge cock dangling in front of my face, I froze. How could I have not guessed this was going to happen? I can't do this… not on camera. But that look in his face tells me I'm not about to get out of it.

I looked up at Brian, who was gazing at me expectantly. What must have been thirty seconds passed by before he finally said, "well, slut? You gonna suck on it, or what?"

I had only ever sucked a couple of dicks before. I certainly wouldn't call myself experienced, and I doubted I could even fit his in my mouth. It was about ten inches long – I was, in all honestly, a little tempted to grab it, just to see if I could fit my hand around it. But I felt myself instinctively backing away.

"I… I can't," I said nervously.

"Jesus," Brian said, rolling his eyes, "Don't you get it? This IS the job. We do adult films. Porn. You want six grand today? Then you get on your knees and suck my dick."

Ashley’s Casting, Chapter 1 [f/M] [Interview]

I decided after awhile to get back into writing – and my last story wasn't super well received, so I'm gonna try something a little more "porn-y" and see if it does any better. And feel free to message me with questions or comments! ~Audrey

I was behind on rent. WAY behind. And I knew it was getting to the point where I needed to find another job.

But where? At only 18, it wasn't like I was super experienced in anything, and I could only work at the school if I lived in a dorm room. And stupid me wanted to prove what a grown-up I was and go live in my own place right out of high school.

The only jobs I could seem to find were modeling-oriented. My roommate suggested that I try nude modeling for an art class at the community college, but I exasperatedly explained to her that I was deathly afraid of being naked in front of strangers. Besides, I didn't think I was that attractive – just sort of an average girl: 5 foot 2, 115 pounds, plain brown hair and brown eyes. Nothing about my body screamed "model," but after two months and no new work, I knew I had to do something.

Becoming Lydia, pt. 1 [f] [mast] [internet chat]

It had been a month since Lydia had slept with her boyfriend for the first time ever. At 19, she knew how late a bloomer she was – her friends at worked teased her all the time, and she was certainly one of the last girls among them to lose her virginity – but her boyfriend Max appeared to have been patient.

As a matter of fact, he hadn't been. Max had been desperate for sex, knowing full well that he was "falling behind" his friends who bragged constantly about their triumphs over girls – a fact that only got tougher as they entered their first year at the state college, where all it took was a little liquor to get lucky. One night, a few months before, while Lydia was busy working at the seafood restaurant in town, Max went alone to a party near the school. Frustrated with Lydia's seeming disinterest in anything sex-related, he took home a high-school girl and lost his virginity to her in his dorm. When Lydia finally gave up her own virginity to Max a little later on, she was confused as to why he seemed so bored, being completely oblivious that Max and the girl from the party had been hooking up for months.