Undercover Report (hypno)(dildo)(dubcon)(part 1)(cfnf)

Nikki looked up at the skyscraper that towered over her and let out a slow breath. Up on the fourteenth floor would be her new job for a month, getting all the info she could about a small company called Beakly Incorporated Media.

Across the street her real job waited, the Daily Bugle. It was the number one newspaper in the region, she its junior reporter. That’s how she got stuck with the assignment.

Not much was known about BIM, but if the rumors were true, they were doing some shady things involving hypnotism. People who had went in and came out (and were willing to whistleblow) said they were using hypnosis and other forms of mind control to trick people into watching their product. Therein lied the problem.

Through countless hours of research, Nikki couldn’t find one bit of media that BIM actually produced. Yet according to their quarterly reports, they were already turning a profit.

Nikki considered herself an intelligent woman. She was 24, just out of college and her writing was good enough to catch the eye of the Bugle. Investigative reporting was the dream. She could feel like a detective, but wouldn’t be stuck with the same basic assignments.

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