The Night Becomes Endless

My tongue flicks across her hard nipple and she sighs with anticipation. I can’t keep my hands still. I keep my mouth on her breasts as one of my hands grab her waist. I love how she squirms but I need her hips still for this. My hand slides down her side and across her stomach. I don’t stop once I hit her waist band. My fingers slide under and move to her slit.

A moan breaks through my lips as my finger are coated with her warm juices. I move my mouth to her other breast and begin to sucks lightly. My finger slides up and down her slit. I slide up and I feel her convulse. My hand stops and I slowly move my fingertips in circles. She gasps beneath me, before he breathes come in spasm. I know that I’ve found her clit. My hand grinds down, pressing harder, as my tongue flicks across her nipple.

Categorized as Erotica

Dirty Dishes

You wake up, wanting me and reach across the bed. We had an amazing night and you don’t want it to stop there. Your hand only touches sheets and you look up to see what time it is. It’s two hours before you have to get ready for work and as you look around I am no where in the room. You slide out of bed and pull on a pair of boxers before leaving your room. You know sometimes, when I wake up before you, I’ll go somewhere within the house and clean till you wake up.

You close the door and hear water running. You head to the kitchen and find me washing dishes with only one of your black shirts on with my red panties peeking out of the bottom, showing the curve of my ass. I’m humming lightly and my hair is up in a ponytail so that it doesn’t get in my face. I have suds up to my wrists and I’m almost done washing the dishes.

Categorized as Erotica

My Night with Her Continues

My image increases my craving, unaware that it was even possible. I tug on her hip and rotate mine, forcing her to straddle me. She doesn’t miss a beat and kisses me. I grip both her hips and try to grind myself against her, but another kiss has my mind blurred.

The urgency to make her mine increases. I bite her bottom lip and kiss her again, and my sex burns with need. I kiss her chin and stop for a second, knowing it’s about her not me. I slow down, feeling her heavy breathing above me. I start to softly kiss down her neck and I am highly aware that she knows my next move and is dying for it. My lips speckle against her skin, loving the feel of her soft body so close.

Her beautiful body feels fantastic pressing down on mine. My lips press against her neck one more time, before I reach out with my teeth and bite down hard on her neck. Her hips eases towards mine and my body quivers. I switch between soft kisses and hard nips. She moans when I bite her the third time and another jaw dropping image flickers across my mind.

My First Night with Her

I could start from the beginning. Hell, I could start from the day before. I would, but that’s not where my mind starts. My mind begins with an urge to be closer, with the feel of skin lightly gliding over skin. It begins with a brief touch of lips and the inner sigh of anticipation. It begins with knowing its right, with feeling the joy of the touch radiate in my core, with the memory of the time before, and with the shiver of wanting more. My fingertips run across the silky, sweet skin of her arm as the movie plays on with no one watching. Looking up and meeting her eyes I can tell she is ready to be reminded of the spark we share. Her devilish smile concretes my thoughts and lets me know the next move is mine. I could start from the beginning. Hell, I could start from the day before. I would, but that’s not where my mind starts. My mind begins with an urge to be closer, with the feel of skin lightly gliding over skin. It begins with a brief touch of lips and the inner sigh of anticipation. It begins with knowing its right, with feeling the joy of the touch radiate in your core, with the memory of the time before, and with the shiver of wanting more.