From Friends to Friends with Benefits Pt. 2 [mf][friends][bowjob][9][analingus]

Can’t post a link to Pt. 1 but its back about a week (same title).

It had been maybe 20 minutes since I fucked Mandy and I was so turned on by the whole thing that my cock was already getting hard again.

She had been lying next to me on the couch and we’d been caressing each other and generally basking in the afterglow of some really, really good sex.

Now she was on her elbows with my semi-erect cock in her hand and her tongue licking slowly up my shaft and around the head. It felt heavenly. The thought of her tasting the mix of semen, pre-cum and her own juices on my cock was quite a turn on and I was quickly getting fully hard again.

“You have quite the stamina,” she said, giving my now-hard cock a bit of a shake to illustrate her point.

“Thanks,” I replied. “It doesn’t hurt that I have a young, sexy naked woman here with her lips and tongue all over my cock.”

A Latte and More [MF]

He’d noticed on at least a few occasions that the barista at the local indie coffee shop wasn’t one for wearing a bra. Sometimes it was a tight shirt with no bra lines visible that was the clue. Other times, she wore looser shirts and her jiggling breasts were obviously unencumbered by any sort of supporting garment.

She was a younger, obviously fun-loving girl. Her hair colour and length changed weekly and recently she had shaved it off almost entirely. These days it was quite short and bright yellow. Maybe it wasn’t everyone’s thing, but he found it quite sexy and cute.

His usual routine was to stop in before work and grab a medium latte and a muffin on the way into the office. There was always a bit of small talk about the weather, or about whatever she had done to her hair that week.

Depending on what she was wearing, it was always a good chance for him to check out her medium-sized breasts and sometimes her sexy midriff and belly that she often left exposed by wearing shorter crop tops and low-rise jeans.

From Friends to Friends with Benefits [mf][friends][fingering][blowjob][creampie]

I can’t believe what I’m hearing or seeing.

Amanda. The millennial. Mandy. She wants to fuck me? Right here and now?

Obviously I’ve often fantasized about having sex with her, or even just seeing her naked body. She’s 24 and skinny with small tits and a nice smile. What’s not to like or be curious about?

But now here we sit, alone at her place uptown and she’s actually interested in making it happen? To what do I owe this extreme good fortune?

A couple of hours earlier, I was sitting at the restaurant texting with her and our other friend Matt. I was on time, they were late. What else was new?

Amanda was in an Uber a few minutes away and Matt was MIA as usual.

“Prolly gonna no show on us,” I texted her. “He’s the worst!”

Secretly, I had hoped he wouldn’t show up and then it would just be me and her. Two’s company, three’s a crowd, after all.

I’d known Amanda for a few years from work and after she quit to go work somewhere else, we all kept in touch. Mostly it was bitching about our jobs and in the case of Matt and me, our wives.