[incest][reluctance] The Board Game – Ch 1

This was inspired by a prompt from the [r/DirtyWritingPrompts](https://www.reddit.com/r/DirtyWritingPrompts/) subreddit, by the lovely [u/Namelessredditor87](https://www.reddit.com/user/Namelessredditor87/) in [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DirtyWritingPrompts/comments/jfazhr/wpincest_family_game_night_takes_an_interesting/)


**Chapter 1: Happy Family**

“Ultimate Taboo, hmm. I don’t know it sounds like one of those party boardgames with embarrassing questions. You’re probably supposed to be drinking with along or something” Matilda said, frowning. She was holding the boxed boardgame, turning it to see if there were any explanatory text. She found none, not even a marketing blurb like you can usually read on these kinds of games. The box was solid black with a cursive title in gold embossed on the front, with a smaller text saying “by Faust Inc.” underneath it, other than that it was completely devoid of information.

They were all sitting around the living room coffee table, with the exception of Matilda who was standing, pacing around studying the box. The girl was comfy in a pair of pyjama shorts and a tank top, enjoying a relaxed Saturday afternoon in social isolation. Quarantine was tough on everyone, and even her young metabolism was leaving a pound extra on her body, giving her a reasonably cute and pudgy appearance. She didn’t mind, it wasn’t like she had been very much caring of her looks before the world got caught in flames.