The Orchard [M/F]

This is a repost of a story I had posted under a now defunct account. Any comments are welcome!

The warm air was a few weeks away from being seasonal, but the two young lovers in the car didn’t mind one bit. It was one of those warm spring nights that spoke of an amazing summer arriving early. The perfect night to drive around their small city aimlessly, enjoying each others company. There was no need for small talk to fill the night air. Just the music on the radio, and that comfortable familiarity that only two people in love can share.

Dean was driving, one hand on the steering wheel, the other resting on his leg. Jen was hanging one arm out the window, moving a hand up and down to ride the air currents flowing by the window. They had all the time in the world, and nowhere to go. Dean lived an hour away, and Jen’s house was always chaotic and filled with people. Hardly a place for privacy or relaxation. So they decided to see a movie, have some food, and take one of their many random road trips to nowhere in particular. As the moon rose, Dean looked over at Jen, and felt that familiar stirring inside. He cared about the girl yes, but right now all he felt was the primal urge to grab her, pull her close, and taste every inch of her body. His right hand left his lap, and reached over onto her left leg. Jen looked over and smiled. She knew him, knew his moves, and she welcomed this one gladly.