Musty Night [M with either]

The cool night gently caresses your skin as you walk through the woods. It is the same familiar path you always hike on, although you don’t usually stay out this late.The sun has basically set, so you take the headlamp out that you have and affix it to your forehead. As the stars come out and the temperature drops further, you begin to develop goosebumps on your arms. Rubbing them roughly, you think to yourself how you should have brought more than a tank top on your hike.
You haven’t seen another hiker for over an hour, and you still have a few miles until you get back to the parking lot. You begin to get worried, as you know bears and wolves are in the area, and you haven’t any mace to ward them off if they come. As you continue walking, you hear a far off moan in the distance. it is sort of in the direction you are heading, but it’s hard to tell in the woods with the way the echo reverberates off of the trees. Cautiously you continue up the trail.
Again you hear the moan, this time it sounds closer, but it’s off the path to your right. It sounds like it’s in pain. You hear quiet whimpers off in the woods. Unsure if it is someone hurt, or if it is an animal, you are stuck in place thinking. The moaning and whimpering sound as if they are too loud to be a human, and the voice too deep, but the emotion in the voice sounds too intelligent to be a beast. After one more moan you veer off of the path to help whatever the pained noise is coming from.
It is further in than you thought… You begin to lose your bearings. Your headlamp dims, and goes out. The batteries must need to be changed. Luckily it is a full moon tonight. If it weren’t for the noise the creature was making, you wouldn’t even be sure if you’d make it to it. One thing is for sure though, you can tell it isn’t human. But it doesn’t sound like a bear either. The noise is louder now, you can tell you are getting close.
You enter a small prairie. The prairie grass is naval high, and it tickles your legs as the tips of the grass gently touch your skin below your shorts.Towards the center of the clearing you hear the animal crying still. There is a gross smell in the air, it smells as if a skunk as sprayed in this clearing. You walk further into the clearing and see the shape of something huddled down in a flattened area of the grass.
You crouch low. You can’t make out what it is, but it is definitely the source of the noise. As quietly as you can you creep into the flattened area of grass. Keeping low, you approach the creature. It is clear that the skunk must have sprayed it. It isn’t far from you now. This thing is big. As big as a bear easily, but you have a feeling that isn’t what it is. As you make your approach, your foot catches under some grass and makes a rustling noise.
The animal shuffles quickly. You can now tell that it was lying facedown in the grass, because as it looks at you the moonlight reflects horrifyingly off of it’s flourescent green eyes. The next sound it makes isn’t a moan, it is a growl. It’s face contorts into a snarl and the creature sits up and lunges at you on all fours. You scramble backwards, unnecessarily it would appear, because as creature lunges its rear foot sticks firmly to the ground. Screaming in agony, the creature reaches back with it’s forepaws and clutches the foot stuck in the ground. Now that it has broken its huddled posture, you can begin to see it more clearly.
They were not four legs, but rather two legs and two arms. The creature was clutching its foot with its hands, and as you stare it looks back up at you and stares back. You can see the pain in the creature’s eyes. Even though it is sitting, it is nearly as tall as you. You look up and down its body and gasp. You realize what it is. It goes as many names, but to most, it is known as Big^foot. Looking at its fur, you see that down by its ankle the fur is matted and wet. The bigfoot follows your gaze and moves his hands so you can see. His large foot is stuck in a bear trap, and it looks bad.
Raising your hands up to display you intend it no harm, you approach the bigfoot cautiously. Its face relaxes and it allows you to approach. You look at the trap, the mechanism doesn’t seem too hard to undo, but you can see from the gears that the leverage would make it hard to take off by yourself if you were the one caught in the trap. Your eyes meet the bigfoot’s again, and you see that he actually has gentle eyes, they are looking at you quizzically right now, but there is a softness to them that is actually warming.
Grabbing the trap with two hands, and stepping on the opening mechanism, you open the trap back up. The bigfoot screams in pain again, and yanks his foot out of the trap. Luckily, because his foot is so wide, the trap’s teeth didn’t sink into the ankle too deep, and he doesn’t look seriously wounded. Clutching his freed ankle, the bigfoot collapses into the fetal position on the ground and whimpers. You’re not sure if you should comfort him or just leave. He looks at you again, the moonlight illuminating his radiant eyes again, and he pats the ground near him.
Seeing this as a sign to approach, you sit next to him. You touch the fur on his arm, it is thick, but you can reach through it to his skin pretty easily, it is similar to dog hair. There is a thin oil that is mixed into his hair, which must be where his smell comes from. Oddly enough, you realize that you don’t even smell him anymore, you are used to the smell now. Beneath his hair you can feel hard muscles, and as you touch his bicep he flexes it for you. Surprised you pull your hand back. He raises his thick eyebrows towards you and lifts his arm, flexing it and you can see from his silhouette that his muscles are very large.
You begin to feel uncomfortable and begin to get up, but the bigfoot grabs your waist and pulls you back down next to him. He runs his large fingers down your back and you actually think it felt good. You look at his face again and he gently smiles back at you. He points to his injured ankle, and then pinches your shirt. You feel as though he is asking if you can bandage his ankle for him with your shirt. You think for a moment, and decide to do it. It’s night time anyway, and you have a change of shirt back in your car, there’s nobody out this late to see you, and a bigfoot wouldn’t care anyway.
You stand and turn your back to him. Shyly you peel your shirt up, and off of you. You turn back towards him, and wonder why you were being shy to begin with, he’s a bigfoot, he doesn’t care. You gently lift his foot up and the bigfoot winces, but doesn’t pull away. You wrap his foot with your shirt, and tie it off by braiding the tall strands of grass into a thin string. It doesn’t actually appear the ankle was badly damaged, it looks like the trap’s teeth barely punctured his ankle. As you finish you look back up at the bigfoot and see that he is watching you intently. You sit back up next to him and he puts his arms around your shoulder. The heat and oil from his fur drape down your neck and you’re somewhat grossed out, then pleased, as the fur warms you.
The bigfoot looks down on you and you look back. He leans in, and you don’t lean away. Gently, he kisses you on the mouth. You don’t kiss him back at first, the size of his mouth feels strange, and the hair around his mouth tickles your cheeks and nose. But as he kisses you and you feel how soft his lips are, you can’t help but feel your body relax into his arm. Almost of their own accord your lips begin to move and you feel yourself kissing him back. He kisses sweetly, and although his mouth is so much wider than yours he kisses you so gently that you can’t help but feel yourself reacting to it. He pulls at your remaining clothing, and you pull his hand away. Not yet.
He doesn’t give you a choice, he begins tugging harder at your clothes and you think that they will rip. Not wanting your clothes to be torn apart, you take them all off. The bigfoot looks up and down your body slowly, lustfully, and you hear his breathing get deeper. His breath feels hot on your body as he brings his mouth to your nipples. As his tongue dances around your erect nipps, you feel your body immediately reacting. Goosebumps race down your arms and legs, and your genitals begin pulsing with your heartbeat. You grab his hand and place them between your legs, but rather than rub anything, he reaches his hand back up and looks at you. Shaking his head no, he kisses you back on the mouth again. Not yet you guess. Holding the back of your head with his massive hands, he kisses you deeper. He puts his thick tongue in your mouth, and you eagerly accept it. His tongue tastes of berries and the thick saliva that pours into your mouth as you open your lips wider makes your body flush with pleasure. You swallow and tease his tongue back out of your mouth. It’s time to make your move now.
You run your hand down his back and feel the tightly corded muscles beneath his moist fur. His torso is almost as long as your entire body. You burrow your face into his chest and find one of his nipples, and as you begin to tease it you find another below it, and another, and another. He has 8 nipples, in rows, and they are all very hard. As you suck on them they get longer, nearly an inch long, and they reach much further into your mouth than you thought they would. As you suckle on one of his lowest nipples, you reach down and touch his erection.
Surprised, you turn your head down and take a look at it. His cock is as large as you would have expected, maybe 18 or 20 inches long, though it doesn’t look painfully thick. It is hairless and slightly pink, it actually looks just like a human’s cock does. You smile wryly and wonder if he’s ever had something do this to him before. You slam his cock into your mouth, folding your lips over your teeth so as not to hurt him. As you bounce his dickhead off of the back of your throat, you stroke his shaft with both hands. Wringing your hands like you are using a pepper shaker, you feel one of his hands on your back. He scratches you approvingly and moans, this time in pleasure. As you watch the saliva strings running down his shaft and onto your hands you get a bright idea. You run your hands in the fur on his legs and gather some of his body oil, then stroke him with renewed furor. He grips your shoulder and gently tries to pull you away. But you won’t let up, you will finish the job. You stick your tongue out with his cock still in your mouth, take a deep breath, and force his cock to slide down your throat.
Suddenly you feel his hand on the back of your head, he pushes your head down further, and you feel his cock slide down your throat, almost down into your chest. You cant breath, but you’ve always been good at holding your breath. He begins thrusting down your throat, and you don’t even try to stop him. You massage his massive testicles with your now freed hands, and as the frenzied pace increases, the bigfoot begins to moan louder. Suddenly you feel the testicles pull up towards his shaft, and then his cock begins pulsing. He doesn’t let you up though. He forces your head down further, and you feel his cock slide even further down your throat as he cums. His cock pulses for what feels like a solid minute, and although you can’t feel the bigfoot semen coming out, you feel your stomach begin to bulge as it fills up. Finally he lets go of your head and you pull his cock out of your mouth.
As it slides out thick strings connect you to him still, and you gasp for breath. You continue gently stroking his cock to help finish his orgasm and breath deeply, and as you look up at his face, he looks back at you fiercely. Then you notice something odd. His cock is not softening. He grabs you by the thighs and forces you down. Spreading your legs open, you do not resist, this is what you were hoping for. Suddenly he lifts your legs up and over his shoulders. There is no stopping him now.
He continues to raise your legs though, bringing your bits to his mouth. But he does not touch them. You feel his tongue breach your cheeks he buries his face in your ass. You immediately stiffen up and begin to try to get him out of there.You feel his hot breath on your vulnerable asshole, although this clearly isn’t what you wanted, he begins to writhe his tongue back and forth over your hole. Why won’t he give your privates any attention? They’re begging for it, but instead he’s licking down too far! He continues to press his tongue against your asshole, and almost as if he’s cleaning it, he is rubbing it back and forth over and in it. As you relax and begin to stop resisting you actually begin to enjoy yourself. Maybe there is something to this. His strong tongue stops it’s massage. For a moment you think he is finished, before he suddenly starts pushing his tongue is inside. You gasp, and pucker to try to stop him, but his tongue is too strong and forces its way inside. As you feel your anus being opened, you begin to kick to get him to stop, but then you stop abruptly as a wave of pleasure passes through your body. He darts his thick tongue in and out of you repeatedly and reaches up and puts his fingers in your mouth.
As you suck on his fingers he continues to tongue dart your asshole, and begins rubbing your swollen belly with is free hand. As you feel your body build closer to climax he speeds up and starts playing with your nipples. Your toes begin curling and your back arches as you reach orgasm, sending rippling waves of pleasure through your entire being. As you cum, he stops tongueing you and moves your hips down towards his, and before you can react he slides his still iron cock into your asshole. You exhale in pain, but because he did it while you were cumming, you didn’t feel it as bad as you thought you would.
He does not start gently, he pulls out and you look down to see that he only had the tip inside. He rolls you onto your belly and enters you again. This time it is not just the tip. As your arms reach up over your head, you grip the grass just to have something to hold onto as he begins drilling into your asshole. In and out, progressively deeper every thrust, until his entire cock is inside of you. You can feel it deep in your belly, pushing in and out, and your asshole is on fire. You cry aloud, and he slows to a stop. Realizing what is wrong he whips his hands in his belly fur, and then lubricates his cock more with his body oil.
When he slides in this time the burning sensation is much less intense. You begin to really enjoy the feeling of him inside of you, his cock is so warm, and you can feel it warming you from the inside as his arms wrap around you to keep you warm on the outside from the cold night. He begins to speed up and pump harder, and as he pumps each time, you thrust your hips backwards into his to make it go deeper. You want all of him, every last bit. You cry out in ecstasy as you cum again, this time a much deeper, more intimate orgasm. And as you cry out his voice joins yours, and you feel his pumping abruptly slow down. You can feel his cock pulsing inside of you, and this time you feel his warm semen coursing into you. It is clearly not as much as in your stomach, but you love the feeling all the same.
He hugs you close, still inside of you, and slowly goes soft and pulls himself out. Panting and sweating, you both look into each other’s eyes sadly, and you both know that your moment is almost over. You lie in his arms and fall asleep.
You slowly awaken as the sun rises over the treetops. As you realize where you are, you startle awake and look around, but it seems your musky lover is gone. All that is left is bloodied trap, and some hair around in the grass. Then you remember the real gift he gave you. You rub your belly and pucker your asshole, you don’t want to let any of it go. Slowly you stand and grab your clothes, and after changing into them you find a t-shirt was with your clothes. You look out in the woods, and after a quiet whisper of appreciation for the t-shirt, you find your way back to the path, and hike back to your car.

Categorized as Erotica