Clara’s religious awakening

.Clara readied herself for the trip to church. Her long wavy blonde hair was tied back demurely and her floral print dress was light and summery, and therefore appropriate in the warm weather. She wore light sandals and her legs were bare.

She sat half way back in the centre of the nave and listened to the sermon, looking for all the world like the perfect true believer. What nobody knew was that all she could hear was the rich timbre of Father Patrick’s deep voice. She did not understand the feelings that it aroused, but there were tingles that coursed through her body every time he spoke. She had no recollection of what he actually said; all she could hear was the voice. All she could feel was those tingles. *This must be a sign, a religious awakening*, she thought. She had been hoping for such an event and blamed her own sinfulness for its absence until now.

When the faithful were called forward for Mass, she knelt at the rail and looked up at him as he ministered to the flock. The light of the candles shone in his thick dark curls and she was transported. The room almost swam around her and she feared she might faint but she successfully made her way back to her seat. *This is it, I am blessed and have found the truth,* she thought.

Categorized as Erotica

A number of surprises

It was later that she grasped the full enormity of what she had done. She felt that all it would be was a little bit of fun and that any other girl would have done the same . They faced each other the dinner table through the haze of fine port and candle light. Charlotte knew her dress was cut low and that her breasts were prominent enough interest a blind eunuch. Her many layers of silky petticoats felt good against her strong thighs and her thoughts turned to spreading your legs to receive…

Later, as her head cleared, she was able to make out three leather-clad women in the room. The apparent leader was tall and buxom with a wild mane of red hair. She controlled the other two who were younger: one blonde and another redhead. This latter was the youngest of the three with thin hips and small pointed breasts.

Mrs Stewart is proud of her cleavage.

Mrs Stewart loved it when the boys in the upstairs flat held one of their student parties. As the landlady, she made sure they invited her, and made sure that it was a night when she wasn’t on duty in her husband’s pub. And so it was tonight. She took pleasure in taking care of her appearance. The older woman may struggle to compete with slender 19 year olds but she had a cleavage they could only dream of. And she knew it. In her moss-green dress with the plunging neckline, her long wavy red hair all perfect, she prepared to join the party and dance with the boys.

She was good at encouraging reluctant young students to get on their feet and dance; she brought energy and fun to the party which always went with a good swing when she was there. And she stayed alert for the boy who couldn’t help but eye her cleavage at every chance. There was always at least one. The younger brother of one of her tenants just didn’t know where to look, so she took great care not to unsettle him or make him feel uncomfortable. He was a slender, rather good looking boy, who seemed young for a fresher. She didn’t get him to dance but waited until the end of the evening at which point she went downstairs and waited in the room off the hallway just by the front door. As he came down to leave, she emerged and slipped her arm through his.

The Hon Arabella Hamilton-Smythe … in need of a husband?

I just knew that an evening in the company of Sebastian St-John fforbes-Whitely was going to be dull, from the moment that I saw his weak jaw and his foppish hair. The bumbling, Hugh Grant-style of supposedly amusing conversation wasn’t an improvement either. But, a girl must do what a girl must do. I’m wasn’t getting any younger, and the pool of eligible bachelors that were of the correct social standing for the third daughter of an earl’s youngest brother was getting smaller by the year. So when he invited me to dinner, I thought it best to accept, even though he is at least ten years younger than me. At least.

The restaurant was very select, the food was magnificent and the ambience discreet. But the conversation was so, *so* dull. As we sat in the haze of the candlelight, he held forth, self-deprecatingly, about his various massive failures and minor achievements. I glazed over several times. All the while, his young eyes seemed fixed to my cleavage. Not that I objected: it’s good to know that I can still give a young man the hots, not matter how uninteresting he is.

Categorized as Erotica