Lustful Affair with a Gym Friend

I’m going to change her name to protect her anonymity. I don’t suspect she or anyone she knows would ever read this, but I’m just being cautious. She is married and has three children. It’s not lost on me that what we engaged in was wrong to a large degree but it doesn’t change the fact that we had an intense encounter that resulted in some of the best sex I’ve ever had.

Amanda is somebody who over time, I become casual acquaintances with at my gym. He was a tall, lean blonde woman, attractive in her own way but not to the point where she was unapproachable. She’s very friendly and outgoing, always says hello and asks me how things are going. Over a few years she and I just became very friendly, but I felt an undercurrent of sexual attraction between us. I would catch her looking at me from across the gym and she would catch me occasionally. We were playing coy games and it was fun. But that’s where it ended, she had a family.