the heater repair man

I remember the day perfectly. I was young, fresh at 18 years old, left home alone while my parents were on holiday in Hawaii for Christmas.
They offered to let me go with, even though it was for their anniversary, but I refused. I loved the cold wether, and I loved being home alone.

It was around the second day of my seven day “stay home alone” period, when just to my luck, the heater broke down. This wouldn’t mean much to my parents in Hawaii, but as I was in Indiana, I would surely freeze to death without the heater.

I called my mom, sitting on the couch wrapped in a big fuzzy blanket. The only source of heat I had was coming from the fireplace, Wich was really more for decorative purposes than anything.
She had told me she would hire a repair man, who would arrive later that day. It was around two in the afternoon, so I took a brief nap before he arrived.

*Knock knock*
I sprung up from my bed, hearing a loud knocking coming from my front door. “Shit..” I thought to myself. “He’s earlier than I thought.”

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