Walk with me [FM] [Outdoor][Poem]

I know you had quite other plans

Of cozy couch and careful touches

You want my body, all I offer

Touch me in ways I have not been

What if, instead, however

You took me down to walk the beach?

We could hold hands, entwine our fingers

You could embrace me and the weather

The storm subsides, the winds stay with us

Your touch is gone, the feeling lingers

I need no talk, no conversation

Just hold me tight and keep me walking

I can’t go on, my mind craves sensation

Of kinds we can not share out here

Or what if we let concerns slide

And get my butt cheeks sandy.

It’s cold and damp and sticks to the skin

But oh it feels amazing

I want your hands in all the places

Tell me why you have just two

It’s good you know how to mistreat me

I look forward to losing patience