My [34F] Second Date With Mike!

Sorry for the wait, I’ve been really busy with life. Here’s a small update on what has happened with ‘Mike’ in the past month. If you missed the other parts, here’s a quick summary: I’m a sex worker. I am being paid to tease/seduce a guy and he has no idea. I’m having a ton of fun doing it, and so is he.

So, I’ll pick up after our first date. The following day, he texted me asking when our next date was. I told him we could go out again on Saturday, so we did. He picked me up (his idea) and we ended up going to this steakhouse that he liked. I had a pretty stressful week so I decided to get a few drinks, which ended up being a bit unwise of me. By the time we were done, I was feeling pretty intoxicated. Luckily for me, he was my ride so I didn’t have to drive home drunk.

Categorized as Erotica

My [34F] Date With an 18 Year Old Nerdy Virgin

Hey everybody, a bit has happened since the last post so I figured I would give a quick update.

Long story short: I was paid to seduce this guy. I’ve been teasing/sexting him for the past week. To make it easy I’ll call him Mike.

I was texting him as usual and I decided to invite him out for dinner. We ended up at this local steakhouse that I absolutely love. I was wearing this really tight, thick sweater because it gets really cold where I live. No bra or shirt. Just that, jeans and boots. Anyways, I notice him staring as we chat about nothing. We’re sat across from each other so I get the bright idea to lift my leg up and put it on his crotch. I slide my foot out of my boot and start to rub him with my fuzzy sock. He’s rock hard at this point, asking what the hell I’m doing. I just smiled and played dumb. I’ve had plenty of clients who were into feet so I’d like to think I’m pretty good at it. This goes on for a few minutes. He’s beet red and trembling, telling me to go faster. Sadly the server came with our food so I stopped. Mike looked so pissed that I did. I didn’t end up continuing, I just acted like it never happened. I ate my dinner, had a nice date and went home.

Categorized as Erotica