Beyonce my friend’s hot mom [MF]

Every time I went to my friend Tyler’s house I would always get excited. Not because I actually liked him, but because of his sexy ass mom. I think her name was Beyonce or something. Tyler was a pretty selfish and arrogant piece of shit so I had to constantly stroke his ego. Any time I could I would tell him how cool he was and how having a rich family made him better than everyone else. It certainly was tiring, but if it meant I could go to his house and stare at his mom’s perfect dick sucking lips and her hypnotic and sexy fat ass, then it was worth every bit of pain.

It was a Tuesday and school was almost over. My car had been wrecked a few days ago so my mom had to drive me until it was fixed. I called my mom on my phone while Tyler walked over to me.

“Hey mom, school’s over.”

“I’m sorry honey but I’m in a meeting right now, can one of your friends drive you home?”

“Maybe, let me check,” I said putting the phone away,” Hey Tyler can you drive me home today, my mom can’t.”

Categorized as Erotica

Peter Parker x Aunt May part 1

Peter’s day was not going well. He got his first F he’d ever gotten in school today. Class ended and Peter saw MJ in the hall by herself. Peter dreamt of this moment for years and now was his chance. They could go out and have a nice meal, maybe go out on the town, just the two of them.

“Hey Pete what’re you looking at?” Ned abruptly asked.

Peter was caught off guard by Ned’s sudden appearance. His spider sense was acting odd recently.

“Dude shut up!” Peter quietly shouted.

“Oh you’re still stalking MJ?”
“Yes, no, kind of just… I don’t know what to say,” Peter stuttered.

“Just say what you feel.”

“I can’t do that!”

“Why, what’s the worst that can happen?”


“Also Flash is going to ask her to prom so you might want to beat him to the chase.”

“Are you fucking serious?”

“Yeah, so get your move on.”

“What do I say?”

“Say that you wanna web her up,” Ned held back his immature laugh.

Ariel Winter Seduction [MF]

Me and Dana weren’t doing very well. Over time our arguments became much more frequent and they were becoming much more serious. Last night was by far the worst one. I’d been out drinking with some friends and when I came home it was 12:30. Dana was sitting in the living room waiting. As soon as I saw her I knew she was going to be a huge bitch.

“Do you know what time it is?”

“Yeah it’s ten.”

“No, it’s twelve fucking thirty.”

“Ok, so what?”

“I’ve been waiting for hours thinking that you could’ve been in an accident!”

“I’m fine.”

“Then why the fuck didn’t you answer your phone?”

“Because it was loud and I couldn’t hear it ring!”

“Fuck you! I know you want to leave me!”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“I knew you were out with that slut, Scarlett, or whatever the fuck her name is!”

“Babe, I think you need to get some sleep and we can talk about this in the morning.”

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Scarlett Johansson the Slut of Cinema [MF]

Giving bad news is never fun. I only want people to be happy but in my department that’s pretty rare. When I was younger I never thought that I’d be a casting director, but that’s the way life goes. My job is to tell people that they didn’t get the role that they auditioned for. Every once in a while I get to tell someone that they got the role, but unfortunately that’s incredibly rare. When a man doesn’t get the job they usually get very angry, and when a woman doesn’t get the job they cry. Obviously that’s not always the case but it happens very often, and today was no different. After going through forty auditions I had to tell each of them individually that they didn’t get the role in the film they all auditioned for. There were tears and screams as usual until the last one came in.

She walked in with elegance and pride emanating from her. Each step was taken with confidence as well as a dash of superiority. Red hair gracefully enhanced her sex appeal, and her body could easily be one of a model. She had the tits of a pornstar and an ass that definitely caught the eyes of adolescent males. She sat down in front of me and I somehow hadn’t realized that it was Scarlett Johansson. The realization nearly made me jump.

Natalie Dormer succubus [MF]

Hi before I start the story I’d just like to say that I’d love to get feedback whether it’s positive or negative. Anyway enjoy the story.

I fucking hated going to church every week. Being dragged to an old building just to be ridiculed was so aggravating. For some reason my family still believed in all of this shit. I knew there was no god or Satan, it was all a fucking lie. Hell, I’d rather be at church worshiping Satan, at least that would be interesting. When we arrived I saw my friend Jay. Him and I were very similar. We both were forced every week to go here and we both enjoyed similar types of music, movies, etc. During service I went to the restroom just to get a break from all of the torture I was going through. On My way out I came across Jay.

“Hey man,” I said to him.

“Dude I’ve gotta tell you something.”


“You’re not going to believe this.”

“Just fucking tell me.”

“Alright I’ve got all of this written down, just follow these steps and you’ll have the best night of your life.”

Lauren Cohan Mommy [MF]

When dad left it hit me pretty hard. I’d loved him for so long and then he suddenly left to go fuck some twenty year old slut. There were many nights where I was crying myself to sleep. I was seventeen when it happened and I was really embarassed to be seen crying so much, even at school. My mom, Lauren, on the other hand was having the time of her life. She hated him but was never able to say it. Mom would be energetic and full of life, more so than she ever was when dad was around. I was happy that she was able to get a positive experience out of this, but I couldn’t shake my deep sadness that wouldn’t leave.

I came home after a long day at school and went straight to my room. Tears dripped all over my pillow. The sun went down and darkness loomed over. I was under my covers just hiding from everything when a knock came from my door.

“One second,” I said as I got out of bed. When I opened the door mom was there,” What is it mom?”

Cara Delevingne the Slutty Sinner [MF]

I was at church on Wednesday night. Church was such a boring place to be but I was forced to go again. Every week was the same boring shit about sin and hell. And it was another boring night as usual. However while I was there someone caught my eye. There was a girl with blonde hair looking at me. I really didn’t know how to react. I waved but she didn’t do anything other than smile. After another minute of her just staring at me I lost interest and just went back to listening to the sermon.

When it was over I looked back over to where that girl was but she was gone. I looked around but there was no-one. Deep down I was kind of sad but I didn’t say anything about it to my family that was with me.

That night I couldn’t get her out of my head. She was so fucking hot. I should’ve done something. I could’ve given her a flirty wink or something other than nothing. My regret kept me up for hours. Out of nowhere a noise came from my window.

Jennifer Lawrence [MF]

Dinner with family was fairly common with my household. We’d have family over all the time and have drinks and food and it was always fine, but I never personally enjoyed it. It always seemed unnecessary and boring to me. However today was different, my aunt was coming over tonight. Her name was Jennifer and I hadn’t been able to stop fantasizing about her for months. My teenage brain was definitely giving me a lot of naughty scenarios to imagine.

It was 6:00 which meant she could be here at any time. Mom and Dad were in the kitchen with the food, but me and my sister were upstairs. I’d made sure that I looked as good as possible. My hair was incredible, I had cologne on, and I’d showered.

The ring of the doorbell made my heart skip a beat. Immediately, I rushed downstairs and opened the door to see a goddess. She had a very revealing blue dress on that I loved and red lipstick was covering her soft lips.

“Hi, Jennifer,” I struggled to speak.

“Hey you! How long has it been?”

“Too long.”

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Sarah Hyland [MF]

It was thirty minutes until they’d be gone. Mom and Dad had planned on going to Vegas for months now and I couldn’t wait. I’d needed a break from them for months but I couldn’t tell them this for obvious reasons. They would be gone for a week which would be the perfect amount of time to just relax and have some me time. Time passed so slowly as they were getting ready to leave. My hormones were on overdrive and I needed some, let’s just say, personal time by myself.
“Ok Ethan we’re going,” Dad said from downstairs.

“Bye,” I said with no emotion.

The second the front door closed I got on my computer and was looking for some sluts to jerk off to. Riley Reid was on my screen in seconds getting her throat fucked. My cock was in my hand and lube was dripping everywhere. I was in Heaven. Pleasure flew through my body and I felt euphoric. It was fantastic, until the doorbell rang.
I scrambled to get over to my window and see who was at the door. My room was in a spot where I couldn’t see the door, but I could see the driveway. Dad’s car wasn’t there and mom’s was in the shop. Instead there was a cherry red car there. I was confused and unsure of whether I should even answer the door.