Selina and her Lucious Curves Part IV/V [FF] [Long] [Cheating]

Disclaimer: this is a long story that I will post in multiple parts. There is extensive character and story building. If you are looking for a quick read, I suggest you don’t start this one. But if you like back story and character development then proceed. Please feel free to tell me what you thought after you are done reading. I love feedback.

She led me in by my shoulders and sat me down on her couch. I was still crying. I saw the stains my eye liner made on my blue night gown. Had I driven down here in my night gown? Had I driven down here? I had no recollection of any events after Tom rolled off of me. I had no recollection of the hours since, of the drive between my house and Selina’s.

We didn’t talk. I just rested on her shoulder and cried. She stroked my hair and patted my back. I was glad I was with her. With her I was safe. With her I was loved. With her I belonged. That safety and comfort glided over me like a blanket and it encompassed me and eased my thought. She smelled good. She always smelled good. My face resting on her soft skin. She was the only person that made me feel loved.

Categorized as sexystories

Selina and her Lucious Curves Part III [FM] [Long] [Cheating]

Disclaimer: this is a long story that I will post in multiple parts. There is extensive character and story building. If you are looking for a quick read, I suggest you don’t start this one. But if you like back story and character development then proceed. Please feel free to tell me what you thought after you are done reading. I love feedback.

Summer break started and I was home alone for most of it. A lot of things had changed in the last few months. I stopped hanging out with Selina. Every time I saw her after break it made me uncomfortable. She tried to mend things, several times. But I couldn’t hear her. Every time she talked I looked at her lips and thought about how we made out and that I was a married woman betraying my husband. Every time I was reminded by my infidelity. I couldn’t be a lesbian.. I am married to a guy.

Selina and her Lucious Curves Part II/V [FF] [Long] [Cheating]

Disclaimer: this is a long story that I will post in multiple parts. There is extensive character and story building. If you are looking for a quick read, I suggest you don’t start this one. But if you like back story and character development then proceed. Please feel free to tell me what you thought after you are done reading. I love feedback.

The morning after I sat in the hotel bar trying to piece together what had happened the night before. I was hung over, hair tied in a bun and wearing yoga pants and a T shirt I brought to sleep in. I had dressed in a hurry and wasn’t really sure what I was putting on. I didn’t want to wake up Selina. I quietly snuck out. My head was ringing with a massive hangover. I don’t usually drink hard liquor and never at 9 am but when I walked down here I wasn’t really sure what time it was.

I must have looked disturbed because the bartender asked me if everything was ok. I nodded and pointed to my empty glass. He refilled it.

Selina and her Luscious Curves Part I/V [FF] [Long] [Cheating]

Disclaimer: this is a long story that I will post in multiple parts. There is extensive character and story building. If you are looking for a quick read, I suggest you don’t start this one. But if you like back story and character development then proceed. Please feel free to tell me what you thought after you are done reading. I love feedback.

We have been married for 7 years. When we first met I was 20, he was 19. We were in the same women’s lit class in college. I was getting my teaching degree. He was studying to be a doctor. He was only in women’s lit because he heard it was an easy A. We flirted, we clicked, we dated and 3 years later, we got married in a small wedding ceremony. At that time, I was working as a substitute teacher and he was half way done with medical school.

Hell of a Work Out [MM]

When I started my new job, I realized that I put on a few pounds. Conveniently, in the same building as my work was a gym. My work schedule had been erratic (at best) so it was even more convenient that that gym was 24 hours. I would visit at 2 or 3 am when I got out of work and try to work out through my exhaustion and sleep deprivation.

When I first joined, I was way too scared to use the showers. At that point in my life I had realized that I may have some bisexual tendencies and I was scared that I might get an erection in the shower. This would be even worse considering that a lot of my coworkers use the same gym and I wasn’t really open to them knowing this about me. This was OK because I generally worked out after work and I was able to go home after and shower.

JOBud Got Serious [MM]

This is a work of fiction.

My marriage wasn’t going well. We loved each other and I knew we were meant to be together but after 3 kids in 7 years we were more like roommates than lovers. She focused all her energies on the kids. She quit her job and stayed at home. She drove them to and from school everyday. Went to bake sales and PTA meetings. Everything was “off of Pintrest” or “this influencer on Instagram painted this in her son’s room.”

I was grateful. I really was. She dedicated her life to the family and I respected her hard work. But I was lonely. I caught myself flirting with a girl at work once and I felt very bad. On my way home that day I bought her flowers and chocolate. She took the flowers and told me that she saw this cute centerpiece with roses that she wanted to copy. We didn’t have sex. I was jerking off a lot back then. We never had sex and I needed an outlet. Almost every night in the bathroom. I would lock the door and watch porn on my phone and jerk off. I was scared I would get caught (She had never been on board with porn in the past. It morally repulsed her). I was scared that she would get suspicious of my time in the bathroom every night. She didn’t. When I walked out she would be watching a vlog about interior decorating or reading a book about “internal growth”.

Jailbird Part I [MMM][Drugs]

Alright so, they got me. When we went to trial, they had all my emails. Every single letter, spelled it all out. I was never too good at covering my tracks. Either way, I was sentences to 24 months for insider trading. Boo freaking hoo. A year and a half wasn’t going to be the end of the world. I honestly didn’t care about myself. What I was worried about was my wife and kid. I hid my money well so they were provided for but it must have sucked to go to school and have kids mock you for your dad being in jail. I was worried about him. But little I could do when I was in here. I hoped he wouldn’t be too mad at me when I got out.

I was sentences to a minimum security prison with time served. So all I had to do was survive 15 more months. Don’t let the “minimum security” fool you. It was still jail. The food was shit, inmates fought in the shower, and every once in a while a couple guys got thrown into solitary for getting caught doing something they weren’t supposed to. I think the only way that it was really “minimum security” was in how easy it was to get drugs in.

Helen in High Heels Part IV [MF] [Long]

I transferred out.

It wasn’t all about Helen. I just realized that I didn’t really like my school. Besides Helen, I had made no other friends. The big city college style wasn’t working out for me. So I transferred out. I did my last two years in a small all boys college in a suburban town near the city. It was great. Small class sizes, knew my professors. It was very reminiscent of high school. It was a setting I was comfortable with, and I thrived. I did well in classes. I made friends. I even dated a couple of girls from the nearby girls college. It went great.

When I graduated, I went job hunting and found a mid-level job in my field but it was 3 states away. In July, I packed everything in my car and drove over.

It took me a while to get settled in my new setting and my new job. But by November, I was familiar and somewhat comfortable. It was honestly getting the hang of being an adult. I even asked a girl out on a date from the office, Jenna.

Helen in High Heels Part III [MF] [Long]

I left Helen’s house that afternoon riddled with guilt and anxiety. Did she notice my confusion? Can she tell I was checking her out? Where were the kids? Were they even home? Did she notice my obvious erection under my loose fitting shorts? Was she teasing me? So many questions raced through my mind and I almost crashed my brother’s car on the way home. When I got home, I went into my bedroom and locked the door and thought about Helen. In my room, my thought were amplified. I was scared that I had misinterpreted an innocent situation. After all, she wasn’t WEARING the bathing suit. She just showed me what it looked like. What if she saw my erect cock and that made her uncomfortable? What if she tells Jack and he gets mad at me? What if she tells the pastor? What if she didn’t want to be friends anymore?

Helen in High Heels Part II [MF] [Long]

Helen and I met every Monday that semester. We studied some. But it was mostly just talking. She shared her notes with me and I did well in the class overall but we had grown much closer by the end. We talked about everything: politics, religion, friends. She told me about herself. She was the oldest of 4 children. Her mother died when she was young and she raised her younger siblings. Her job, social work, wasn’t really her passion but it was an easy career that she could pursue while commuting to school and caring for her siblings. She missed out on fully enjoying her college years and her 20s. She had to be an adult and a mother too early. Soon after, she met Jack. She was 29 to be exact, and married him soon after. He was older so they had 2 kids right away, now 4 and 2. Once Jack moved up in his job she had realized that she didn’t like her job so she cut back to part time and decided to go back to school and take some classes. She had money so she was able to slowly take one class at a time. Her ultimate goal was to apply to medical school, dental school or even nursing. But she was slowly realizing that she might not have time. She was 35 now and she would need 21 more credits before she can apply. I asked her how she plans on going through medical school with 2 young kids. She didn’t really have an answer to that. She said she was taking it one class at a time.