Secret society writing prompt

I wrote this as a writing prompt, if you’re interested write what happens next and then comment a link to it.

You’re walking through the woods, playing with your best friend of 18 years when suddenly they take a wrong turn on a branch and fall down, but then fall through the brush and fall down a dark pit, you don’t see or hear them, but you know they’re alright, you know this because you see the mark of a secret order next to the hole, a secret order you belong to. You’ve got to rescue your friend, but your worried you’re already too late. You rush to the closest secret entrance and type in your pass code. You make your way down to the meat vaults where the sluts at kept. Rows upon rows of sluts clamped at the waist into the wall, legs forcibly spread, this is where they must wait, and then be fucked by whatever member ends up choosing them. 3 months of this is the first part of the process in turning them into the groups loyal sex slaves. You search the asses for the ass of your friend, finally after a lot of close inspections, and a few awkward conversations, you find your friend. You must get them out of here. Although you don’t see why you can’t have a little fun first.

Categorized as Erotica

Folk Fest Fornication (Threesome (Shower Scene)

We are riding the bus back to our campsite after a long night of dancing, the walk is too far after all the time on our feet, so we are thankful for the luxury. This is your first time at a folk festival, and my first time at Folkfest so I’m glad we’re both having fun. As the bus rides along we whisper about the ridiculous five dollar shower fee, and what we’re going to do about it.

“There’s a sink right out front,” you say casually. I hold you close so as to not slip off the short seats, and as I do, I notice the warmth radiating off you even in the cold night air.

“What do you mean?” I respond.

“I mean, you could wash your pits and stuff right there, you’re a guy, no one will care.”

I smirk at the idea, I’d have to figure out a way to give myself access to my body, while keeping it hidden. “I could go shirtless and just wear a skirt to cover my junk with easy access.” You tilt your head as if contemplating the image and then nod vigorously. “Well what about you, I don’t want you feeling smelly and gross just because of bullshit standards.”

Folk Festival Fornication – par 2 (Exhibitionism) (Voyeurism) (Threesome)

Here is part two


It’s Dizzy Dallas. She is our favorite new performer at this festival, very approachable. She got her start in country but quickly moved over to folk music. We passed by her after one of her shows and you couldn’t help but compliment her sundress. You two hit it off like I’ve never seen, it was wonderful to see both your faces light up in conversation. You later remarked that it was because you both came from the west coast, but honestly, it was just chemistry. We ended up having dinner with her, but didn’t know she was camped out here.

“Oh hey Dizzy,” you say, turning your head but no other part of your body, painfully aware of how your tits were still out. She seems not to notice and walks closer to you. Letting your eyes adjust, you notice she is still wearing a sundress, but this one is different. The last one was yellow with streaks of orange and daisies on it, made out of a thin material so you could see her bra and skin when the light shined on it. This one is purple with a big line of dark blue across the front that gets larger with the skirt, and a scattering of white dots for stars. Made of a thicker material, it hangs tighter to her coltish figure. Her long, large blonde hair shines under the light of the lamp posts.

Folk Festival Fornication – part 1 (exhibitionism) (voyeurism) (threesome)

*I recently went to a folk festival and got inspired to write this story about me and my partner meeting a third. If people like this I will post the other parts.*


We are riding the bus back to our campsite after a long night of dancing, the walk is too far after all the time on our feet, so we are thankful for the luxury. This is your first time at a folk festival, and my first time at Folkfest so I’m glad we’re both having fun. As the bus rides along we whisper about the ridiculous five dollar shower fee, and what we’re going to do about it.

“There’s a sink right out front,” you say casually. I hold you close so as to not slip off the short seats, and as I do, I notice the warmth radiating off you even in the cold night air.

“What do you mean?” I respond.

“I mean, you could wash your pits and stuff right there, you’re a guy, no one will care.”