Out of Chocolate Chips

Every window and door with a screen is open in the apartment. Us trying to capture any last bit of cool air. The AC had been out all day and to our dismay wouldn’t be fixed until tomorrow. Lucky for us though clouds had started building outside and the cool air of a storm was starting to stir up.

You sat sprawled on the couch in nothing but your boxers. Sweat sat on your brow as you stood to turn up the fan. “That oven heats this place up.” You said clicking the dial to what I would assume was level 3.

“You’re the one who wanted cookies and milk as dessert.” I laughed moving from cabinet to cabinet to find each of the ingredients. “Besides it’s not even to temperature yet. Do you have any chocolate chips?” I moved bags and boxes to the side. I took note that as I reached up I could feel my torn tank top revealing the underside of my boobs.

“No but I have hersheys bars.”

I plopped back onto my heels and clicked my tongue. “I’ll make that work.” I went to the fridge and pulled out the bars, milk and eggs. “Perfect.”

Categorized as Erotica