The Dream

The Dream

Her hair was wrapped around his closed fist, forcing her head back toward him. She was kneeling, facing away from him, resting on her elbows, as he stood behind her. She could feel his hardening cock pressed against her thigh. His other hand was toying with her already dripping pussy, occasionally bringing a soaked finger up to tease her ass.

She was a bundle of pure sensation. She felt her face flush, as he leaned over her to whisper in her ear, “You are mine. This” he added, slapping her pussy, “is mine.” His words sent a chill through her body, stiffening her nipples as they grazed the top of the soft comforter covering the bed. She tried to nod, but her head was immobile from his iron grip in her hair. Instead, she moaned aloud, “Yes Sir.” She felt his dick throb against her as she said these words.

The Campout Pt. 4.3

The Campout Pt. 4.3

As he rose, she felt his dick brush her thigh. He was hard! In this frigid water! Her cheeks flushed at the thought & she looked away before she felt his warm hand gently grasping her upper arm. She allowed him to guide her to shallower water, where they could wash everything below the waste a little easier. She still held the bar of soap, so she began washing his bottom half first.

She ran the soap down his muscular legs, trying to not pay any special attention to his fully erect penis. She washed back up the backs of them, up to his butt. Unsure of how to proceed, she lathered the soap on his cheeks & cautiously slid a finger into his crack. She thought she heard him moan when she did this, so she got a little braver, pushing her finger further until she found his hole. Running her finger around its edges, she watched as he reached behind himself & spread his ass cheeks to give her better access to his ass. Tentatively, she inserted a finger into his rectum; it was a very tight fit, even for her tiny finger. He groaned as she toyed with his ass & began to stroke himself. Surprisingly, she found herself becoming turned on playing with his asshole. Reaching around with her other hand, she took control of his cock, stroking it while she fucked his ass with her finger.

Categorized as Erotica

The Campout Pt. 4.2

The Campout Pt. 4.2

The air off the creek was even cooler than the breeze that had blown through the tent that morning. Her skin was completely covered in goosebumps & she stepped toward the cold water of the creek. Sucking in a determined breath, she walked into the current of the stream. The ice cold water surrounded her feet, her knees, then her thighs. When she got to waist-deep water, she gasped as the cold water touched the warmest part of her, surrounding her pussy & sending a hard chill up her back.

She had to hurry or she could end up with hypothermia. It was then she realized she had left her soap on the bank with her towel. “Looking for this?” he mused, holding up a yellow bar of soap as he walked toward her. He barely seemed affected by the temperature of the water. Either that or he was very good at keeping his reactions to himself. “Yes,” she pleaded, reaching for the soap. He snatched the hand holding the soap just out of her reach. “Come & get it,” he commanded, the cold look in his eyes matching the water’s icy touch. With bated breath, she took the two steps to reach him.

Categorized as Erotica

The Campout Pt. 4.1

The Campout Pt. 4.1

When the sun rose the next morning, there was a chill in the air. The cool spring morning was damp & foggy, the birds chirping in the woods around their tent. She woke with a chill & reached for him, but he was not laying next to her. Sitting up, she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, allowing the blanket to fall, exposing her bare breast. Instantly her nipples hardened from the breeze blowing through the open screens on the tent’s walls.

Pulling the blanket back up, she searched through her bag for some clean clothes. Finding a pair of old blue jeans & her favorite lavender-colored sweater, she pulled them on quickly to help warm her body. Standing, she stepped through the tent flap, & found him at the campfire, cooking breakfast. The aromas of sausage & eggs filled her nostrils as she inhaled deeply. Her tummy growled in hunger as she approached him near the fire’s edge.

The Campout Pt. 3

The Campout Pt. 3

As she laid there, still awake & recalling their trysts, he rolled over to put an arm over her. She smiled as he caressed one of her breasts in his sleep. He had always had what she referred to as “roaming hands,” sometimes waking her up in the middle of the night playing with her pussy. Sometimes he never woke up or knew that he had made her cum several times with his “roaming hands.”

The final “act” of their three-part play took place in the back of the truck. He had laid the blankets & pillows out, inviting her up to come look at the stars with him. “Such romance for a free-use slut,” she mused, with a smirk on her face. “Just get up here,” he replied, rolling his eyes, but smiling, all the same. She did as she was told, using the bumper to raise herself up into the bed.

The Campout Pt. 2

The Campout Pt. 2

That night, she laid awake, listening to the night sounds outside the tent. Crickets were chirping, the water splashing as it flowed over rocks buried in the creek bed, the wind in the trees. It was very peaceful. She smiled at the sweet ache between her thighs. He had taken her twice more before laying down to sleep.

The second time he came to her as she was reading her book, a cheesy romance novel with even cheesier sex scenes. She laughed to herself as she reminisced at the corny words the book had used to describe those scenes & now used them in her head to describe the “scene” they had created.

When he entered the tent, she glanced up from her book, but continued to read. Kneeling at her feet, he gently began running his fingers up & down her bare legs. The further up his hands traveled, the more her legs parted, until they were finally spread far enough for her skirt to ride up, exposing her sex. She watched him over the top of her book as he lowered himself to her lady garden. With his tongue, she could feel him part the smooth petals of her secret flower, exposing the velvety entrance to her love cave. As he continued to invade her with his tongue, she felt her breath catch when he reached the nub of nerve endings at the uppermost part of her slit.

The Campout Pt. 1

The Campout Pt. 1

The dirt & gravel crunched under the tires as the truck turned off the paved road onto the nearly hidden logging road that lead up the wooded hillside. He had found the perfect spot for their weekend getaway. The truck was loaded down with all the essentials: tent, food, camp stove, sleeping bags, pillows, extra blankets, and all the other gear they would need. He couldn’t wait to get to the clearing he had picked out to set up camp.

The clearing was just the other side of the hill they were climbing. Nestled beside a running creek with woods on all sides, it was the ideal location for their little excursion. Absolutely secluded, no one would bother them here.

As the truck topped the hill & started down the winding path toward the clearing, he glanced over at her & grinned. She smiled back as he raised the hand he was holding & kissed the back of it. They had been planning this weekend outing for several weeks, and now they were almost to their destination. Around the next bend in the road that was grown over with high grass, she saw it for the first time. Easing to a stop, he put the truck in park & killed the engine. They were here.

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Click. Nothing. Click. Nothing. Click. Nothing. Two-hundred channels & there was nothing on television he had any desire to watch. It was almost bedtime anyway. He figured he might as well go & see if his wife was finished with her nightly rituals so they could go to bed.

As he walked into their bedroom, he noticed the bathroom door was slightly ajar. He could hear the shower running still. They had been married for 11 years, but still acted like newlyweds. They were best friends and had been most of their lives. They had always known they would spend the rest of their lives together, and here they were, going strong.

As he gazed into the bathroom, he could see the naked silhouette of his wife’s body, her curves outlined behind the smoky glass of the shower door. She had been in the shower for a while & he wondered why she was taking longer than usual. He decided to be sneaky & see what she was doing.

The Release (Pt. 2)

The Release

She watched as he lowered his face to her pubis. She was slightly embarrassed that she hadn’t shaved in a couple of days, & she had some stubble of hair growth. He didn’t seem to mind though. Before she knew what was happening, his tongue was parting the lips of her pussy, stroking her clit. She shuddered with pleasure. “Mmmm” she sighed. He stopped, looking up to her. Placing one finger in front of his closed lips, he shook his head. Quiet. She understood. This game required complete obedience.

The Release (Pt. 1)

The Release

She slammed the car door. It had been a horrible day at the office. First the network went down for four hours. FOUR HOURS! IT blamed maintenance. Maintenance blamed management. Management blamed IT. It was a nightmare. Finally, after half the day wasted, her boss called her to let her know a big client had cancelled on a HUGE project that was two weeks from being complete. Her project. The one that would guarantee her to an advanced position on the board of directors. “So much for that dream,” she thought as she trudged into the townhouse she shared with her boyfriend.

As she closed the front door, she hung her bag & keys on the hook just inside. All she wanted was a nice hot bath & maybe a glass of wine. Walking through the living room, she noticed her boyfriend napping on the couch, the television muted. He must have gotten off work early. She decided to let him sleep & have that bath. Pausing in the kitchen to pour herself a large glass of Chardonnay, she made her way to the upstairs bathroom.

Categorized as Erotica