First erotica scene I’ve written. Part of my Dark Fantasy/Erotica novella series I’ve started for fun.

Would appreciate any criticisms. I think this may be my first ever erotica scene I've written.

Quick backstory. Runt is a fabled warrior. He has just come back from saving a minstrel who was about to be attacked by some peasant. He is drenched in blood. He spots the barmaid he had been flirting with earlier and feels a rise in him.

The bar was empty when the pair of them returned, save for the barmaid still scrubbing tabletops. Candles flickered in each corner of the room and the chandelier above – a slight jingling sound emanated from the chains with each little draft pushed in through the windows. She glanced and smirked at the hulking mass. A grin appeared upon his blood-drenched face as he wondered how warm a hearth she could be. He pushed away the minstrel and told him to go upstairs.

“Use my room. Number three. I won’t be needing it tonight,” he said, his eyes squinting at the glowing mess of the barmaid. She licked her lips.

“Now, now,” The bartender called from a door slightly ajar. “You can use your room for that sort of thing upstairs.”