This is a message i wrote to a dirtypenpal but got no response back. Figured id share here and if anyone wants more pm me.
I run the sex shop in the center of town. I see you walk by every week with the same face I see on other first timers, the “Im so curious but it’s so embarrassing” face. This time something was different. Maybe it was the way you wore your long wavy hair and how your eyes were set in a determined manner but you actually entered. You walked a few paces in and I saw the hesitation, the slight quiver of your hand still on the door. “Welcome” I said casually from the behind the counter hoping not to scare you. Your eyes scanned the shelves of lingerie and sex toys and I saw them stop briefly over the restraints. That’s interesting I thought to myself. My eyes danced over your petite figure and I couldn’t help but imagine you strapped helpless. “Anything I can help you find mam?” I asked, trying to hide the lust I was beginning to feel. You replied you were just browsing. I continued trying to not bother you but the way your back arched and the heel of your foot escaped your slip on made my cock begin to throb. I heard a giggle escape you, “did someone vandalize the tapes again?” “Oh nothing like that,” you replied, “I just didn’t know this place was so tame.” A smiled flashed across my face, “it is tame… until after closing that is.” You turned so quick I thought I offended you but the look of intrigue upon your face said otherwise. “Come back after 11, my doorman will let you in.”