He Told Me To Leave It Inside Myself for 100 minutes. 87 More To Go. [MF] [Power Play] [Consensual] [Teasing] [Anal]

He told me to own all my embarrassing little secrets, so here’s one I’ll share: I have cum in my ass. Right now.

I can’t feel it or anything, but I know it’s there because he put a plug in me before any of it could get out. A subtle and yet painfully indelible act of control. He was gentle about that part though, softened by that post orgasmic drug that seems to change men in an instant. He’s not the sort to sleep after or lose interest, he doesn’t retreat to his phone; he gets clever and strangely affectionate.

Meanwhile, I felt like I’d been poured onto the bed, exhausted and liquid as he lifted my hips and kneaded my thigh and kissed along the curve of my ass. I craved him mindlessly in that moment, and he left me with a reminder of the wanton version of me that he’d nurtured into existence.

It’s weird being so aware of cum I can’t see, can’t feel. I don’t know if it’s a lot or a little, just that it’s in me. Hmm…

Fuck me til I… [mf][poetic]

*Amid a din of voices, quiet two;
Such unenthralling revelry around,
A field of plastic cups, its path askew,
Yet roving eyes are destined to be found.*

^HIM: Quiescent is the room when she is near,
A quiet void to steal my breath away,
Her smile like the new dawn’s volunteer
Arising now with light to make the day.

^HER: What shelter would I covet in his arms?
Would he but be an architect of fate;
His grin, a sharpened instrument, yet charms
A softness in my core bereft of weight;

^HER: Come hither, you, and etch me with that grin.

^HIM: I’d bathe in sun to burn upon your skin.


*A colloquy of silent words they share,
Flirtation in a parting glance, returned,
The gyre of her finger through her hair,
Emboldened, he, with hesitance adjourned.*

^HIM: A name? I’d have it sewn into my mind
With raw and violent hands to keep it bound;
A jest, I make to know her unconfined,
Her laugh—I’d barter music for the sound.

Categorized as Erotica