Him- An Erotic Retell

Chapter One- Him

We met on May 2nd. He left me on November 2nd. He came back to me on December 2nd and inevitably left me for the final time on December 26th. In the short span of 210 days, I experienced the greatest, most challenging, and life expanding love affair of my life. I wanted Him desperately and continued to do so long after he left me. He not only challenged me to be a better person by example, but he forced me to challenge my own ideas of what a ‘relationship’ was. He was a galloping horse and I couldn't tame him. Not even if I wanted to. I didn’t want to. I loved him almost immediately for exactly who he was, and wouldn’t have loved him any other way. My needs always came secondary, but I ran along him knowing that what I received was enough. He was limited, but he was spectacular.

My parents and friends, didn’t understand how I could love a man who came and left like the sun, without promise of rising again. “If he never comes back, I’ll be happy for the time that I had, Mom. Our relationship doesn’t follow rules of social expectation. And its certainly like nothing I have ever experienced before.”