I’m very selective about my gaze, I don’t look at things I don’t like looking at. Your studious stare made my body twitch: Boom, zip, gone, but I felt it. I let you undress me with your eyes longer, you see, I did somewhere around twenty push ups before my morning trip to Starbucks. Sometimes, unsolicited attention feels good.
I move, you copy. It’s not rude if I like it. I stare at you back, deeply. You can’t hold it because society tells you it’s rude — so you look away. Only to gracefully lift your head and meet my eyes. Fierce, strong, I could tell it’s just a shell though. I move, you copy… again.
The conversation of the eyes end. You go back to drinking your skinny vanilla latte and I focus on my paper. Nature calls due to the intake of fluids. I move, you follow this time. We stand in line for one of the bathrooms to open up, just us two waiting. As a gentleman, I let you go first.