First time lesbian encounter. F23 F25

Bev had grown tired of men and their mistreatment of her. Tired of her most recent break up. She found herself leaning and weeping on the shoulder of her best friend Bianca. They shared everything together. It seemed that Bianca understood BEV’s woes more than any other.

Bev was a beautiful blonde girl in her 20’s , 23 to be exact, bright blue eyes beautifully built, she would be often in her yoga pants and sports bra, as she was always working out.

Bianca was a beautiful Jamaican woman, long dark hair and deep brown eyes. She had a lovely figure. A fine ass, luscious lips. Lovely brown skin. The kind of beauty that could turn any guys head.

Bev had never considered being with another woman, she had only liked guys. Bianca was at this time a closet bi. She had liked women but had never been with one. As she hugged Bev, wanting to console her, Bianca began to stroke her hair, and wiping her tears away, in that moment they made eye contact, BEV’s blue eyes mingling with Bianca’s brown eyes, an attraction in that moment was formed.

A woman transformed M 35 F 26

For quite a while now, Alex always knew deep inside she made a far better woman than a man. The more she dressed in woman’s clothes, the more she discovered her true inner beauty. If you passed her in the street, she was so beautiful, all the guys turned their heads when she walked by you would never have guessed her prior history.

Whenever she had to go back to her former existence, her joy would die inside her! “ That’s it! “ she said, “ I have some vacation time coming up, and I’m gonna go where nobody knows me! “ so she packed her bags and clothes and hottest lingerie and booked a 10 day trip to Las Vegas. She would have 10 days of pure bliss, stepping out in her finest clothing. No inhibitions or restrictions due to life’s demands. She was a hopeless romantic so she booked a lovely suite in the Paris casino. She was planning on finally hooking up with a guy and fully experiencing her womanhood.

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The office affair.

Brian was a lawyer who moved his office to a smaller city to Salt Lake City in Utah . He had just been through a bad split and he was looking for a new start. He was a well dressed man who presented himself very well. Shirt and ties with nice shoes and slacks and silk underwear. He groomed himself very well. It wasn’t as if he was looking at this point, but he had been so beaten down in his previous relationship, he dressed well to make him feel better about himself.

Cassie was going through a job transition. A beautiful woman with beautiful facial features . She had never married, never really found the right guy. Though she had many suitors she decided to bide her time. Lovely dark hair and a nice hot body built a curvy woman with nice size boobs and a sexy well proportioned bottom that would make any man notice.

Looking for a secretary who knew legal work, his first applicant was Cassie, coming into the room he knew right away by her self assured presence, she would be the one for the job, after pay and benefits and hours were discussed, they both agreed to work together

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The business trip. M35 F 30

Sharon had always been a one man woman. She married her high school sweetheart very early. She thought the love would last. But after 10 years of marriage, she had found the sex in her marriage turn boring. She had only ever been with one man, her husband Philip, and she was beginning to regret that she hadn’t explored her sexuality first.

Her law firm where she was secretary, had arranged for her to go for more training on a business trip away to Vegas . They were using new software and wanted her to become proficient in it. So away she goes, for a couple of days. Two nights all expenses paid. Her husband would have went with her, but he had pressing needs of his own that needed attending too, with the deadline looming on the construction site.

Finally found you m25 f 25

John was bored. As he flicked through all the pictures of the pretty women on Tinder. He had failed to find as yet, a woman that truly intrigued him. He wanted more than just a one night stand or a casual relationship. He was a hopeless romantic. A typical Pisces.

Jenny was a Leo, a typical lioness when it came to love, she was quite a tiger in the bedroom. Outwardly charming, long blonde hair, blue eyes. And a lovely toned body. She had grown tired of men with their shallow outlook. It seemed they were only after one thing, her body. But she was looking for something deeper. A connection of the soul. Something deeper emotionally . Though she enjoyed sex, she craved an intimacy that mere sex couldn’t give her.

As chances would have it, john and Jenny came across each other’s profile at the same time. John was no longer bored as he looked at her profile pics. “ How come I’ve never seen her before?” He thought. They both lived in the same town. The place where they lived was only 30.000 size population.

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The Princess, the Prince, and the Witch. Part 1

The Witch had hatched a master plan. She had seen the Princess and the Prince together. What looked like real love, wasn’t real love from her perspective. It was all pre/arranged. Pre/scripted. So predictable. The Witch was ambitious over two things. She was desirous off ruining Princess Moriah’s perfect world. As far as she could see, the Princess was so phony, with her fake smile and false humility. Long blonde hair beautiful blue eyes . She could sing and the birds would be drawn to her . It was all too good to be true.

But her real interest was the Prince. I’m not sure at this point of the story, if Witches are capable of love? But let’s call it a deep infatuation she had with Prince Nikolai . He was strongly built, handsome. The body that most women would not refuse. His piercing blue eyes, revealed an intensity of soul. It was this intensity that drew the witch to him. For if given the opportunity, she would like to tap into that and explore. She could read souls very well and she could sense the Prince felt trapped inside. That he was doing what was required of him. The veneer of his perfect world was about to come crashing down.

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Helen’s transformation

Helen had always been a bit of a tomboy. She dressed herself in boy clothes, never trying to look pretty or draw attention to herself. But as she entered her 18th birthday, things began to change. Her femininity began to kick in. The school dance was only a week away and this was the time she would choose to surprise everyone.

Even in her tomboy appearance you could detect a hidden beauty. Like a painting over another painting. Her outward presentation was plain Jane, but her hidden beauty would be priceless and classic. Her appointment at the beauticians had arrived. From getting her nails done. To having helpful tips of how to apply her makeup. To getting her hair styled beautifully. When she came out, she didn’t look the same. She reminded me of the classic tale of the ugly duckling that became a swan. Pecked at and made fun of for her previous, intentional ugliness, she now looked elegant and stunning.

Her brown eyes with make up applied really stood out, her shoulder length brown hair classically woven, made her look like Audrey Hepburn, with strong personality also, this was now her time to shine.

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Online romance hook up [ M38 , f 28]

Mark and Sam had been communicating online for over a year now. What began as a wonderful friendship had developed into a wonderful romantic relationship. The feelings they had one for another was so real. They had never felt this way about anyone before. They seemed to be the perfect match for one another.

What began with mere texting, progressed into audio voice talk . And then to video chat. Even sharing and exchanging intimate pictures and videos with one another.

Oh how their hearts burned for one another. And their emotions surged as they blended their minds together. The wonderful moments when they would orgasm together was beautiful and ecstatic. They truly made each other come alive.

After a year of this. There was no diminishing of desire, but rather like a forest fire, raging and growing, their passion for one another greatly increased. “ Thats it!” They both agreed. “ we have to meet in person!” Mark lived about a 10 hour drive from Sam. And he packs his suitcase. Taking loads of extra underwear, as he thought to himself. “ This is gonna be quite the weekend”

Categorized as Erotica

The sheltered virgin.

Kelly had lived a very sheltered life. Her father had done all he could to protect her. To shelter her from the world. Even to the point of homeschooling her. She had no social life, which was sad for an 18 year old woman in her prime. It hadn’t always been this way, but ever since the automobile accident that cost her mothers life 3 years ago. Her father had become extra controlling, determined to keep Kelly safe.

She was very beautiful to look upon, blonde hair, blue eyed and almost 6 ft tall. But she had never had a boyfriend, so she was down on herself. Ad far as she could remember she had never even been kissed by a boy. So she felt ugly, unworthy, of love. As her body developed, she had the most luscious looking body. The body of an athlete. Her love life wasn’t a failure because of her looks, it was her controlled environment. But she didn’t think that way. It is weird when a beautiful woman sees herself as ugly, but this is a common affliction. More common than we are led to believe.

The Professor and the student first time sex part 2 [m42 f20]

Sidney and Melissa, would continue their relationship but very discreetly. After all, as a Professor secretly dating one of his dating one of his students, if found out, would lose his job. This added to the spice of their relationship however, making it even hotter. It gave them quite the adrenaline rush, sneaking around the way they did.

Sidney lived in a secluded area, away from the town. He had inherited it through his grandma and grandpa. It was a beautiful home, complete with swimming pool. The home was spread out all on one level, with a full basement. Southwestern style, like a typical Saint George home.

Sidney had arranged to discreetly pick up Melissa in a discreet area, ofc to the side, near the tennis courts by the dustbins. That morning he had texted Melissa, excitedly, “ bring your swimsuit! “ she had packed the most sexiest one she had with not much material. It was white and she knew once it was wet it would reveal the hidden parts of her body.