the end of 2020 sucked and the start of 2021 wasn’t much better. The wife and I haven’t had sex in about 3 months due to a change in birth control screwing things. That said, we normally have a great sex life. Since Thanksgiving our school district has been virtual so our kids have been home with us since then so little free time to play around. On top of these other things making our sex life difficult my wife contracted The Rona 2 weeks ago (no symptoms for the past week thankfully).
Yesterday was the first day she was out of quarantine. She did tell me she masturbated once while in quarantine. This alone was super hot to hear because she normally doesn’t. I told her I unfortunately hadn’t had the opportunity quarantining with the kids.
Sunday was chilly, but sunny. Thankfully we were able to get the kids outside to play on the trampoline. Again, due to the birth control issue sex was off the table. But my wife did offer to let me watch her shower. Again, not something that is normally offered so an erection was achieved instantly when she made a suggestion.