Inner Beauty [TGTF] [Transformation] [MtF]

The campus recruitment drive is starting, and I, having enough of just sitting around in my dorm and playing video games after classes, I decided now was finally the time to join a club. I figure it’ll help me make some friends, something I wasn’t able to do in any of my classes, and maybe if I’m lucky, a girlfriend too! I sigh dejectedly at that though, knowing that an awkward, unsociable guy like me probably wouldn’t luck out that soon after attempting to come out of my shell. The only one I can talk to on the whole campus without anxiety is my roommate Ken, who I’ve been friends with since freshman year.

“Oh, are you heading out?” He asks surprised, knowing that I’m usually locked in my room the moment I get back from class.

“Uh, yeah… I figured I’d go out and get some fresh air and swing by that club thing that’s going on tonight.” “Oh, okay! Have fun!” He encourages.

I swallow my anxiety and head down to the student center where the club recruitment is taking place and swear to myself I won’t come back empty-handed.

Tricked or Treat (TF TG Story)

After weeks of waiting in anticipation, the campus Halloween party was just hours away! Darrell and his roommate Aiden were eager to go, since it was the only party this semester where the Kappa Omega Kappa frat was accepting non-member guests!

“Dude, there’s gonna be so many smoking hot chicks there!” Aiden exclaims, carefully putting on his vampire costume. “Come on, get dressed! No way you’ll get a girl if you’re the only one at the party without a costume!” “Ugh, but it’s so lame!” Darrell protested. He insisted that he’d rather go in his high school football jersey. “Girls want a guy who’s all about action, not playing pretend!”

“”You’re loss. Just don’t complain to me when I’m drowning in pussy with my sexy vampire costume and you’re stuck sitting on a couch watching couples make out!” Aiden teases, putting the finishing touches on his outfit before he steps out the door, his much less festive friend following behind.

There was a huge line in front of the KOK house, no doubt filled with the same desperate and eager folks that the tow roommates were.

A new “Breed” of Werewolf [20+] [M/MTF] [Furry] [Werewolf] [TG] [Transformation]

Jamie’s day began like every other did. Wake up five minutes before his alarm went off, groan in frustration, and juggle with the idea of sleeping in for juuust a little while longer. After trying and failing to get back to sleep, he allowed good sense to prevail and slowly climbed out of bed in order to prepare himself for the day.

He was a somewhat average looking man. About 5’7, pale complexion, and shaggy brown hair that reached past his ears. The lack of definition on his body caused by years spent behind a desk staring at his computer. Jamie observed himself in the bathroom mirror as he dressed, wondering if his out-of-shape appearance was the reason he hadn’t had a girlfriend since his first year of college. “Meh, what do I care…” He muttered, trying to convince himself, “I wouldn’t want to be with a girl who was only interested in my body anyways.”

He struggles a bit with his pants, hopping on one foot as he pulls them up, and finally leaves his room to go to the kitchen for some breakfast.

His Roommate, Eric, is standing at the kitchen counter, wiping the sweat off his brow with a towel.