Coming on Strong – (F/M)

This was . . . well, a crap year, to be honest. Lost my job, lost my apartment, sold my car, and was now ‘couch-surfing’ at friends and families’ homes.

Which is one of my current predicaments – bunking down at my cousin’s apartment, since being kicked out of my third Aunt’s house after only a week spent there.
This also brings me to the other predicament – sleeping in her fourth roommate’s bedroom while he is out of town.

Just me, a completely organized room, and one large bed.
Which brings in a third predicament – the maddeningly, glorious scent of this nameless man’s room.

I bury my face in the pillow, taking deep breaths of this man’s scent.
I want to say it’s vanilla and sandalwood with his own natural musk. All I do know is this heady drunk feeling as I grip the pillow to my chest and slide under the covers.

The gray duvet is cold and heavy, it feels wonderful against my skin. My mush-brain thinks it’s a good idea to go shirtless, so off goes that black cotton shirt!
The sheets feel even better, the chill of the room causes my lust-heated skin to prickle.

Categorized as Erotica